
News items about graduate students

Demonstrating Chemistry – Learning Chemistry

This May, the BU Department of Chemistry, in collaboration with the student organization, BU Women in Chemistry (BUWIC), hosted 85 students from English High School and Brighton High School (BHS) for our fifth annual Chemistry Day.   The successful day was coordinated by third-year graduate student, Kathryn Summo (Schaus Group), the BUWIC Outreach Coordinator, with […]

Hirst Receives AAUW Fellowship

The American Association of University Women (AAUW) has awarded Liz Hirst, a fifth year graduate student in the Jasti Group, with a year-long American Fellowship that will enable her to complete her dissertation research in the next year. Hirst’s research is highly interdisciplinary, combining chemistry, physics, and materials science.  The focus of her work is […]

BU Chemistry Day 2012

BU Chemistry hosted more than 100 students from the Boston Community Leadership Academy (BCLA) and English High School on May 4, 2012 for the fourth annual Chemistry Day. The morning long program began with a demonstration session given by BU Chemistry undergraduates and coordinated by Postdoctoral Faculty Fellow (PFF)  Dr. Seann Mulcahy. The demonstration explored […]

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Tian Qin Named Vertex Scholar

The recipient of this year’s Vertex Scholar Award is Tian Qin, a third year student in the Professor John Porco’s Research Group. His selection was based on his development of an extremely elegant and enabling synthetic methodology towards a very difficult series of natural product targets with anticancer and cytotoxic activity. This work was recently […]

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Drug Mechanism of Action Using Bioinformatic Pathway Analysis

Professor Scott Schaus and Graduate Student Lisa Christadore are co-authors of: Network-based prediction for sources of transcriptional dysregulation using latent pathway identification analysis Published in PNAS in July 2011, the paper represents their collaborative work with researchers in the BU Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Professor Eric Kolaczyk and Graduate Student Lisa Pham. It reports […]

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Two Groups Awarded BWF Travel Grants

The Burroughs Wellcome Fund (BWF) uses Collaborative Research Travel Grants to facilitate biomedical research among laboratories in the US and abroad. This February, two Chemistry groups received these competitive awards. One of the grants will support Professor Pinghua Liu and his graduate student, Jinzhao Shen, to go to Beijing to work in the laboratory of […]

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Another Successful Chemistry Day!

On April 30, high school students from Boston Community Leadership Academy (BCLA) visited the BU Chemistry Department for our second annual Chemistry Day. The forty-five BCLA students learned about acids and bases, gas laws, and chemical reactions at a jaw-dropping demonstration show. They also explored rates of reactions and electrochemistry in two hands-on laboratories run […]

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Novartis Continues Sponshorship of Graduate Fellowship and Lecture

For the sixth year in a row, the Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research (Cambridge, MA) is continuing its support for the Novartis Graduate Fellowship in Organic Chemistry for Minorities and Women, an undergraduate summer researcher (TBA), and the Novartis Lectureship in Organic Chemistry. The recipient of the competitive 2008/2009 Fellowship is Ms. Jen Goss (pictured […]