Welcome to the Boston University Department of Chemistry
I welcome you to explore the Department of Chemistry at Boston University. The department includes a diverse faculty of teachers and scholars who are world leaders in their fields. Our faculty carry their passion for the field into the classroom- bringing to undergraduates innovative teaching methods and courses that reflect what Chemistry is, and how it is practiced today. Outside the classroom, undergraduates and graduate students alike participate in ground-breaking research in chemical synthesis and catalysis, biochemistry and chemical biology, energy and sustainability, theoretical and computational chemistry, and materials chemistry and nanoscience. Our research programs are supported by more than $50 million dollars in federal funding. Undergraduates can take research for credit or can be supported in their research by the Chemistry Department’s National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates program, the Boston University Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program or Beckman Scholars program. The 120 Ph.D. students in Chemistry are supported by Dean’s Fellowships, Teaching Fellowships and Research Fellowships, and include recipients of National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships. We are also proud to admit qualified graduate students through Martin Luther King fellowships. Our faculty, undergraduate and graduate students collaborate to author over 100 papers per year and present their results at National and International meetings. Graduates of our programs pursue successful careers in the chemical and biotech industries, at research universities and national laboratories, and in patent law, chemical education, data science, and managerial consulting.
Please have a look around our site and follow us on Facebook (BUChemistryGroup) and Twitter (@BUChemistry). Feel free to drop us a note with any questions or come for a visit!
Karen Allen