Internships offer students an opportunity to gain hands-on experience in a professional arts environment.  In addition, these opportunities give our students the chance to make valuable connections in the art world.

Students with qualifying internships are eligible to register for CFA AR572 Internship, a two-unit elective course. Students must complete and submit an Internship Proposal outlining the goals and objectives before beginning their placement. Visual Arts students may pursue up to two internships for course credit during their academic study.

Qualifying internship positions should:

  • Be related to the student’s course of study or career goals
  • Include 80-150 hours of work over a span of 6-14 weeks
  • Feature mentorship by a supervisor at the internship site and opportunities for a student to develop their professional skills

The student’s internship site supervisor should work with the student on goals, learning objectives, and deliverables for the position, and will be asked to complete a final evaluation of the student’s work.

To receive credit for CFA AR572, students must:

    • Find an internship placement through independent research or by taking advantage of campus resources
    • Complete and submit the Internship Proposal form, and submit an add/drop form in order to be enrolled in the Internship course
    • Schedule initial and mid-point check-ins with the CFA AR572 instructor
    • Maintain a practice of documenting their work and reflecting on their experiences throughout the course of the internship
    • Have their internship site supervisor complete a final evaluation of their work
    • Complete a final presentation reflecting on what they have learned throughout the course of the internship

    Students will receive a letter grade based on their final presentation and reflective documentation of their internship experiences.

    Internships and Off Campus Work for International Students

    International students should always consult with ISSO prior to obtaining an internship or other off campus work. In some cases, international students on F-1 visas may be able to take advantage of off campus work or internships by enrolling in CFA AR572 and obtaining Curricular Practical Training authorization.

    Internship Links