• Title Postdoc Associate, Kaufman Lab
  • Education B.Sc., Agriculture, University of Nairobi-Kenya,
    M.Sc., Aquaculture, University of Gent-Belgium
    PhD, Biology, Boston University, MA
  • Area of Study Marine Biology

Current Research

I am interested in freshwater aquaculture and fish biodiversity. My main research interest is in using a holistic approach in managing fisheries and other aquatic resources by taking into account the entire ecosystem (Ecosystem-based Approach to Management). My research work focuses on investigating the impacts of limnological changes and cage aquaculture development on fish biodiversity in Lake Victoria (East Africa). I posit that if well managed, cages can act as refugia for wild fishes thus potentially increasing biodiversity and wild capture fishery value; but if poorly managed cages can contribute to pollution and lead to deterioration of water quality.


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