Tag: BHR
By: Arun Upneja, Ph.D. “A View From the Top” may have been the title of this Boston Hospitality Review issue on Leadership if we weren’t where we are today. Over the past year since the pandemic struck, we have seen and heard leaders, from chefs to CEOs, in this most trying of times, working to […]
By: Kaushik Vardharajan, Director, Real Estate Program Boston University School of Hospitality Administration It was a year ago, on March 11, 2020, when the WHO declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic of global proportions, leading to lockdowns of many countries and an almost complete cessation of travel across the world. Once the scale and seriousness […]
By: Arun Upneja, Ph.D. Greetings from the School of Hospitality Administration at Boston University and welcome to our Real Estate Issue of Boston Hospitality Review (BHR). At the time of this writing after an existentially “long cold lonely winter,” to quote the Beatles, “the smiles are returning to the faces” (even if masked) as vaccinations […]