UPDATE: Dedication of the new City of Boston archaeology facility: the Mary C. Beaudry Community Archaeology Center
Featuring over 2,000 volume archaeological library bequeathed by the late Mary Beaudry.
Karen Metheny served as guest editor of Historical Archaeology and published two articles
Thematic contribution came out of a conference session that Mary Beaudry and Dr. Metheny organized for the 2018 SHA meetings in New Orleans
4/22 & 4/30 Symposia in Memory of Mary Beaudry
Both events are in-person and remote, registration required.
Mary Beaudry Book Award Announcement
Mary Beaudry Book Award for the Archaeology of Food
Mary Beaudry gave the keynote address at the Society for Historical Archaeology Conference
The Society for Historical Archaeology’s 2020 Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology was held in Boston January 8-11, 2020. According to their Conference Preliminary Program, “This year marks the anniversary of many revolutionary events in history, including the 400th anniversary of the founding of nearby Plimoth Plantation, the 250th anniversary of the Boston Massacre, and […]
Mary C. Beaudry new book soon to be out!
Mary C. Beaudry, edited, The Historical Archaeology of Shadow and Intimate Economies with colleagues, James A. Nyman, Kevin R. Fogle, due to be out July 2019. Additional information click here.
Professor Beaudry’s student a contestant on Survivor
Congratulations to Lyras Torres! We will be watching and cheering! Here is the BU Today article with all the wonderful details. http://www.bu.edu/today/2018/lyrsa-torres-competes-on-hit-cbs-show-survivor/
Prof. Beaudry and alumna Kaoru Ueda contribute to the publication of the 2011 conference on historical archaeology in Taiwan
Conversation between Archaeology and History: Seventeenth Century Taiwan and Its Surrounding Area Proceedings of the 2011 conference on historical archaeology in Taiwan, published in 2017 by the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. Among the contributors are Kaoru Ueda and Prof. Mary Beaudry. Save Save
WGBH-FM Interview with Professor Beaudry, Jade Luis, and Diana Gallagher
Edgar B. Herwick III, WGBH Curiosity Desk, interviewed Professor Mary Beaudry, graduate student, Jade Luiz, and alumna, Diana Gallagher, about the dig in the North End that has revealed what might be Paul Reveres’ bathroom. “Privies are like shipwrecks,” said Beaudry, “in the sense that they’re time capsules.” “People would say to me, ‘is that […]
Professor Mary Beaudry published a highly cited co-authored article in American Antiquity
Professor Mary Beaudry in 2014 was coauthor (with Keith W. Kintigh, Jeffrey H. Altschul, Robert D. Drennan, Ann P. Kinzig, Timothy A. Kohler, W. Fredrick Limp, Herbert D.G. Maschner, William K. Michener, Timothy R. Pauketat, Peter Peregrine, Jeremy A. Sabloff, Tony J. Wilkinson, Henry T. Wright, and Melinda A. Zeder) of an article, “Forum: Grand […]