Learn more about the exciting research being published by BU Archaeology faculty, students, and alumni.
Amelia Perez-Juez and Paul Goldberg write joint chapters
Amelia Perez-Juez and Paul Goldberg write joint chapters in Cercles, l'hàbitat protohistòric de l'illa de Menorca 11. Los círculos postalayóticos en época… More
Ilaria Trafficante published an open access article
Trading Antiquities in Early 20th-Century Rome: A Case Study of the Dynamics Shaping the Export of E. P. Warren’s Antiquities from Rome… More
Alumna, Natalie Susmann, publishes an Open Access article
Seeing Sacred for Centuries: Digitally Modeling Greek Worshipers’ Visualscapes at the Argive Heraion Sanctuary More
John Marston published a new article in Current Anthropology 65
Agricultural Entanglements, Niche Construction, and Low-Level Food Production More
Alum, Justin Holcomb, published new article in Nature Astronomy
"Our Martian heritage must be preserved, say leading scientists" More
Nicole Hultquist publishes an article in JAS
"Strontium isotopes and the geographic origins of camelids in the Virú Valley, Peru" More
Alumna, Ellie Harrison-Buck, published in Science Advances
Article title, "Late Archaic large-scale fisheries in the wetlands of the pre-Columbian Maya Lowlands" More
John Marston quoted
The research “provides just a really solid case study in how nondomesticated plants … are manipulated and used in many of the… More
Luke Pecoraro, alum, long-term efforts to locate slave dwellings at Drayton Hall
Includes the Native Americans who lived on the site before European settlement, as well as the convict laborers and formerly enslaved people… More
Samantha Nadel, graduate student, published an article
Published in the Archaeological Review from Cambridge More