Affiliated Faculty

Marston, Scott, Luke, and Shin are co-authors on the 2014-2017 Research report at Kaymakci

BU Archaeology Program Professor John Marston, graduate student, Catherine Scott (GRS’19), alumna Nami Shin (CAS’15), and Christina Luke, Adjunct Associate Professor are co-authors on Exploring Space, Economy, and Interregional Interaction at a Second-Millennium B.C.E. Citadel in Central Western Anatolia: 2014–2017 Research at Kaymakçı, published by AJA. Congratulations to all! Click here to read article.

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The members of the Department of Archaeology mourn the death of Professor Rodolfo Fattovich

Professor Rodolfo Fattovich (Trieste 1945 – Rome 2018) worked closely with Professor Kathryn Bard for 25 years. He regularly visited the Department of Archaeology at Boston University for a month or more every year to work with colleagues. He held a Visiting Professorship in the Archaeology Department and was a frequent lecturer in BU’s African Studies Center. […]

First international interdisciplinary Virtual Brown Bag hosted on October 7, 2015

The first international interdisciplinary Virtual Brown Bag discussion in the Maccabees Project organized by Professor Andrea Berlin was launched on October 7, 2015 and hosted at the Elie Wiesel Center for Jewish Studies. Shown here in session are scholars in archaeology, history, theology Jewish Studies and medicine speaking with colleagues in other parts of the […]


Visiting Researcher Karen B. Metheny and Professor Mary C. Beaudry have co-edited Archaeology of Food: An Encyclopedia

What are the origins of agriculture? In what ways have technological advances related to food affected human development? How have food and foodways been used to create identity, communicate meaning, and organize society? In this highly readable, illustrated volume, archaeologists and other scholars from across the globe explore these questions and more.The Archaeology of Food offers more […]

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Dr. Roosevelt and Dr. Luke publish JFA article on petrographic and ceramic analysis

Journal of Field Archaeology newest issue, 40.4, Dr. Luke and Dr. Roosevelt along with two other co-authors have published another of our most downloaded articles ever, at 353 times! This article is on their petrographic and ceramic analysis of their collected survey ceramics. Read article here: Abstract of Article: Diachronic survey in the Marmara […]

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Professor Chris Roosevelt and Brandon Olson publish the most downloaded JFA article in history

Boston University Department of Archaeology Dr. Chris Roosevelt and his co-authors, which also include grad student Brandon Olson published in the JFA issue 40.3 what has become the most downloaded JFA article in history, 851 times and counting!! The article is on his project’s use of digital technology to basically change the saying that archaeology […]

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National Geographic article features William Saturno, Francisco Estrada-Belli, and graduate student Mary Clarke

Losing Maya Heritage to Looters Stolen artifacts are making it from the Guatemalan jungle to wealthy black-market buyers.   For instance, the only way to find 14 Maya pots at once would be to uncover the burial of a very wealthy king. In archaeology, such finds can make a researcher’s career and redefine our understanding of […]

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