Entering PhD student Claudia Servin Rosas excavates a burial site in Mexico
Trove of 1,000-year-old skeletons — an unprecedented discovery — unearthed in Mexico (Miami Herald)
Alum, Travis Parno, quoted by The Washington Post
Rare armor unearthed at site of 17th-century fort in Maryland
Trevor Lamb summer research on The Brink
Digging Up the Past on Alaska’s Kodiak Island
Trevor Lamb makes incredible discovery
Archaeologists with the Alutiiq Museum and Archaeological Repository have uncovered fragments of woven grass artifacts estimated to be 3,000 years old
Alum, Travis Parno (GRS’13), interviewed on the discovery of a 400-year-old burial skeleton from Colonial Maryland
Unfortunately, the burial site offered little to no clues about the boy’s actual identity.
David Carballo co-published an article in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Sustainability and Duration of Early Central Places in Prehispanic Mesoamerica
Archaeologists will be in demand!
Archaeologists will be required to fill more than 8,000 positions.
Students and Faculty visited NOSAMS on October 21st.
With generous funds from the CAS Virginia Shapiro Enhancement Fund.
John Marston interviewed for an article, “What Ancient Toilets Can Teach Us about Maya Life-and Tamales”
Identifying nixtamalization in residues
Travis Parno (GRS’13) discovers the earliest colonial site
Alum, Travis Parno (GRS’13) discovered the earliest colonial site in Maryland. https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2021/03/22/maryland-colonial-site-discovered/?outputType=amp