BS in Urban Affairs

The Bachelor of Science (BS) in Urban Affairs program prepares students for further study and jobs in urban public policy, community development and service delivery, and the administration of public and private agencies in urban settings. The urban affairs program combines a foundation in the liberal arts with disciplinary and interdisciplinary concentrations in the fields related to the chosen course of study.

Learning Outcomes

  • Knowledge of urban systems, the history of urbanization, and the policymaking process in the United States.
  • Awareness of the political, social, and ethical issues inherent in policy work focused on minority or disadvantaged urban communities.
  • Competence in written and oral communication.

Admissions Information

For current admissions information, please visit the Metropolitan College website.

Degree Requirements

Candidates for the bachelor’s degree at Metropolitan College are required to complete a minimum of 32 courses (128 units), including Hub requirements, major requirements, related courses, and electives.

Hub Requirements

All BU undergraduate students, including transfer students, will pursue coursework in the BU Hub, the University’s general education program that is integrated into the entire undergraduate experience. BU Hub requirements can be satisfied in a number of ways, including coursework in and beyond the major as well as through cocurricular activities. Students majoring in Urban Affairs and taking MET SO 300 will ordinarily satisfy BU Hub requirements in Social Inquiry II, Critical Thinking, and Research and Information Literacy.

Major and Related Courses

A total of 12 courses (48 units), completed with a grade of C or higher, is required.

Required Courses

The following four courses (16 units) are required:

  • MET SO 201 Sociological Methods
  • MET UA 301 Introduction to Urban Affairs
  • MET UA 503 Housing and Community Development
  • MET UA 509 Public Finance and Urban Infrastructure

Major Electives

Choose six courses (24 units) from offerings of the urban affairs program in the Department of Applied Social Sciences. Courses are selected with the approval of the urban affairs faculty advisor and must form a coherent policy major in areas such as housing and community development, environmental management, health and human services, or public policy analysis and administration.

Please check with your Academic Counselor in the office of Enrollment & Student Success for an approved listing of Urban Affairs electives and related courses.

Related Courses

Choose two courses (8 units) from disciplines other than urban affairs (choose from the following or substitute courses approved by the department coordinator):

  • MET CJ 251 Police and Society
  • MET HI 373 History of Boston
  • MET MG 410 Entrepreneurial Management: Starting, Innovating, and Managing Small-, Medium-, and Large-Sized Ventures
  • MET MG 415 Project Management
  • MET SO 203 Sociological Theories
  • MET SO 300 Applied Social Science Theory
  • MET SO 344 Drugs and Society
  • MET UA 508 Real Estate Development
  • MET UA 510 Selected Topics in Urban Affairs
  • MET UA 515 History, Theory, and Planning Practice


Electives are chosen with the advice of an academic counselor. The number of electives varies depending on transfer units. Courses should be selected to complement and broaden the student’s background. When selecting these courses, consider career objectives and personal interests.