Hub Requirements for Transfer Students
Undergraduate students who enter as transfer students to BU follow a specially tailored Hub curriculum that builds on the coursework they have completed while assuring that they develop the capacities required of all BU graduates.
Transfer students take BU courses that fulfill requirements in each of the Hub areas below and must complete all 10 Hub requirements in order to graduate. A single course can satisfy multiple Hub requirements, and most transfer students will fulfill Hub requirements in 4–5 courses. Hub courses can also count toward major and minor requirements, and transfer students can elect to fulfill up to one requirement with a Hub cocurricular experience. Courses used to fulfill Hub requirements must be taken at Boston University.
Explore the list of Hub courses.
Use this flyer as a quick reference for your Hub requirements:
Hub Requirements for Transfer Students
Philosophical, Aesthetic, and Historical Interpretation
- Philosophical Inquiry and Life’s Meanings OR Aesthetic Exploration OR Historical Consciousness (1 requirement)
Scientific and Social Inquiry
- Scientific Inquiry I OR Scientific Inquiry II* (1 requirement)
- Social Inquiry I OR Social Inquiry II* (1 requirement)
Quantitative Reasoning
- Quantitative Reasoning II* (1 requirement)
Diversity, Civic Engagement, and Global Citizenship
- The Individual in Community OR Global Citizenship and Intercultural Literacy OR Ethical Reasoning (1 requirement)
- Writing, Research, and Inquiry (CAS WR 150 or equivalent) OR Writing-Intensive Course* (1 requirement)
Intellectual Toolkit
- Critical Thinking (1 requirement)
- Research and Information Literacy (1 requirement)
- Teamwork/Collaboration (1 requirement)
- Creativity/Innovation (1 requirement)
*Please note: Scientific Inquiry II, Social Inquiry II, Quantitative Reasoning II, and the Communication Hub areas all assume and build on previous coursework in these disciplines.