BLS in Art History

Art historians are concerned with the multifaceted historical implications (personal, social, political, economic, and aesthetic) of imagery and objects (buildings, paintings, sculpture, prints, drawings, photographs, films, and decorative arts). Drawing on this interdisciplinary approach, the Bachelor of Liberal Studies (BLS) in Art History combines study in the humanities and social sciences, and complements the natural sciences. The Art History degree program prepares students for careers at museums, galleries, educational institutions, and architectural and planning firms, as well as publishing and municipal or state cultural programs.

Learning Outcomes

  • Historical understanding of the relation between society and art objects, artistic movements, and expressive trends.
  • In-depth exposure to important art and artistic movements over time; an ability to emphasize their aesthetic and social characteristics.
  • A broad-based education in the liberal arts, including exposure to the humanities, the social sciences, and the natural sciences, that may be considered complete in itself or suitable as preparation for graduate study.

Admissions Information

For current admissions information, please visit the Metropolitan College website.

Degree Requirements

Candidates for the bachelor’s degree at Metropolitan College are required to complete a minimum of 32 courses (128 units), including Hub requirements, major requirements, related courses, and electives.

Hub Requirements

All BU undergraduate students, including transfer students, will pursue coursework in the BU Hub, the University’s general education program that is integrated into the entire undergraduate experience. BU Hub requirements can be satisfied in a number of ways, including coursework in and beyond the major as well as through cocurricular activities. Students majoring in Art History may ordinarily, through coursework in the major, satisfy BU Hub requirements in Aesthetic Exploration and Historical Consciousness.

Major and Related Courses

(total 56 units)

A total of 14 courses (56 units), completed with a grade of C or higher, is required.

Required Courses

Choose eight art history courses (32 units), including the two courses below:

  • MET AH 111 Survey of Western Art I
  • MET AH 112 Survey of Western Art II

The remaining six courses must be at the 200 level or above.

Related Courses

Choose six courses (24 units) from three of the following disciplines: anthropology, classics, English literature, history, modern foreign languages and literature, music, philosophy, psychology, religion, sociology, and urban affairs.


Electives are chosen with the advice of an academic counselor. The number of electives varies depending on transfer units.