BLS and BS Programs General Information

The Bachelor of Liberal Studies program offers students a broad education that may be considered complete in itself or as preparation for graduate study.

The Bachelor of Science program is designed to prepare students for technically demanding careers as well as for future graduate work. Building upon a firm foundation in the liberal arts and sciences, degree candidates study subjects designed to develop an in-depth understanding of their chosen professions.

Curriculum and Residency Requirements

Candidates for the bachelor’s degree at Metropolitan College are required to complete a minimum of 32 courses (128 units), including Hub requirements, major requirements, related courses, and electives. All BU undergraduate students, including transfer students, will pursue coursework in the BU Hub, the University’s general education program that is integrated into the entire undergraduate experience. BU Hub requirements can be satisfied in a number of ways, including coursework in and beyond the major as well as through cocurricular activities.

A minimum of 12 courses (48 units) must be taken at Boston University; at least six of these courses must be in the area of specialization and must be Metropolitan College course offerings. Students must register at Metropolitan College for the last two terms of study leading toward the degree. A maximum of four courses with grades of D may be used toward elective and distribution requirements.

Once a student matriculates in a Boston University degree program, all remaining coursework must be completed at Boston University. Concurrent coursework taken outside of Boston University will be approved toward degree requirements by exception only.


Degree candidates from other Boston University schools or colleges should obtain approval from their home school or college’s academic advisor before registering for Metropolitan College courses.

A Second Bachelor’s Degree

Students who have completed one baccalaureate degree may wish to return to college to broaden their current base of skills by specializing in a second discipline.

Students who wish to earn a second bachelor’s degree must complete all specialization and related courses for the concentration and fulfill the 12-course minimum Boston University residency requirement (including the six-course minimum specialization requirement at Metropolitan College).

Once a student matriculates in a Boston University degree program, all remaining coursework must be completed at Boston University. Concurrent coursework taken outside of Boston University will be approved toward degree requirements by exception only.

For further information about the second bachelor’s degree, contact Metropolitan College Enrollment & Student Success at 617-353-2980.