MS in Applied Business Analytics

The Master of Science (MS) in Applied Business Analytics program provides comprehensive coverage of data analytics concepts, techniques, and state-of-the-art tools used in the process of data-driven business decisionmaking. Students have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with a variety of analytical models and decision-support tools and to apply them to interlinked data-inputs and large data sets in the areas of marketing, operations, product and technology innovations, financial services, and others. The curriculum covers advanced software tools and functions such as descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive modeling, text and data mining, visual analytics, and business simulations. Graduates of the program will be able to analyze data-driven business processes, select appropriate analytical methods to monitor and identify performance issues, prescribe possible outcomes, and propose optimal data-based solutions.

Learning Outcomes

  • The knowledge and skills to better utilize available information in operational, tactical, and strategic decisionmaking in organizations.
  • Experience with various powerful emerging technologies and techniques for increasing the value of both in-house and third-party data sets.
  • An understanding of how organizations are using interlinked data-inputs, analytics models, and decision-support tools to better understand their operations, customers, and markets.
  • Expertise in web analytics and metrics, and the ability to procure and process unstructured text, and delve into hidden patterns within data sets.
  • The ability to facilitate knowledge discovery using data-mining and visualization techniques over vast amounts of data.

Admissions Information

For current admissions information, please visit the Metropolitan College website.


As a prerequisite to the course MET AD 571 Business Analytics Foundations, students are required to complete MET AD 100 Pre-Analytics Laboratory and ADR 100 Introduction to R for Business (online). Some courses may have additional prerequisites. Please note that MET AD 571 Business Analytics Foundations is a prerequisite for all four specialization courses and should be taken early in the degree.

Degree Requirements

A total of 10 courses (40 units) is required, distributed as follows:

Core Courses (four courses/16 units)

  • MET AD 571 Business Analytics Foundations
  • MET AD 605 Operations Management: Business Process Fundamentals
  • MET AD 632 Financial Concepts
  • MET AD 715 Quantitative and Qualitative Decision-Making

Specialization Courses (four courses/16 units)

  • MET AD 616 Enterprise Risk Analytics
  • MET AD 654 Marketing Analytics
  • MET AD 688 Web Analytics for Business
  • MET AD 699 Data Mining for Business Analytics

Elective Courses (two courses/8 units)

Choose two additional related graduate MET courses, with the approval of an advisor, to enhance your individual management interests or to work toward a certificate.

Second Master’s Degree Option

In appreciation of the converging needs of management and technology, the departments of Actuarial Science, Administrative Sciences, and Computer Science collaborate to offer a unique opportunity to students currently enrolled in their degree programs as well as alumni of those programs. Learn more.