Incomplete Coursework
University Policy
College of Arts & Sciences Policy
The following stipulations and provisions are in addition to the University policy above.
Students may not complete an incomplete CAS course for degree units by sitting through the course or a significant portion of the course a second time.
The Incomplete Grade Report form to be filled out and signed by the student and instructor is obtainable on the Registrar’s website and must be submitted to the CAS department of the incomplete course by the deadline for submission of final grades. Both the student and the instructor should retain a copy of the signed form.
No units for incomplete courses will be granted in CAS unless the missing work specified on the Incomplete Grade Report form is completed by the date assigned, which must be within one calendar year of the end of the term for which the incomplete grade is reported.
Students who have missed a final examination for reasons acceptable to the faculty member must make appropriate arrangements with the faculty member for a makeup examination.