Title cole

Refereed Journal Publications

High-sensitivity, wide-dynamic-range avalanche photodiode pixel design for large-scale imaging arrays
A. G. Stern and D. C. Cole, Journal of Electronic Imaging, Special Section on Digital Photography, Vol. 19 (2), (2010).

Subharmonic resonance behavior for the classical hydrogen atomic system
D. C. Cole and Y. Zou. Journal of Scientific Computing, Vol. 39 (1), pp. 1-27 (April 2009). Also published in the Oct. 3, 2008 online issue. The preprint is at the present site (click title above for preprint), but the final version can be obtained by clicking here.

Simulation of the coupled thermal/optical effects for liquid immersion nanolithography
S.-Y. Baek, A. Wei, D. C. Cole, G. Nellis, M. S. Yeung, A. Abdo, R. Engelstad, M. Rothschild, and M. Switkes. Journal of Microlithography, Microfabrication, and Microsystems, Vol. 04 (01), 013002, pp. 1-11 (2005).

Quantum Mechanical Ground State of Hydrogen Obtained from Classical Electrodynamics
D. C. Cole and Y. Zou, Physics Letters A, Vol. 317, No. 1-2, pp. 14-20 (13 October 2003).

Analysis of Orbital Decay Time for the Classical Hydrogen Atom Interacting with Circularly Polarized Electromagnetic Radiation
D. C. Cole and Y. Zou. Physical Review E 69 (1), 016601, pp. 1-12 (2004).

Perturbation Analysis and Simulation Study of the Effects of Phase on the Classical Hydrogen Atom Interacting with Circularly Polarized Electromagnetic Radiation
D. C. Cole and Y. Zou. Journal of Scientific Computing 21 (2), pp. 145-172 (2004).

Simulation Study of Process Latitude for Liquid Immersion Lithography
S.-Y. Baek, D. C. Cole, M. Rothschild, M. Switkes, M. S. Yeung, and E. Barouch. Journal of Microlithography, Microfabrication, and Microsystems, Vol. 03 (01), pp. 52-60 (2004).

Simulation Study of Aspects of the Classical Hydrogen Atom Interacting with Electromagnetic Radiation: Elliptical Orbits
D. C. Cole and Y. Zou. Journal of Scientific Computing 20 (3), pp. 379-404 (2004).

Alignment of Patterns in Microlithography: General Perspective
D. C. Cole. Preprint submitted for publication.

Simulation Study of Aspects of the Classical Hydrogen Atom Interacting with Electromagnetic Radiation: Circular Orbits
D. C. Cole and Y. Zou. Journal of Scientific Computing 20 (1), pp. 43-68 (2004).

Comparison of Electromagnetic Scattering Measurements to Simulation for Microelectronic Structures
D. P. Paul, E. W. Conrad, D. C. Cole, and E. Barouch. Applied Phys. Lett. 80 (25), June 24, 2002.

Using Advanced Simulation to Aid Microlithography Development
Daniel C. Cole, Eytan Barouch, Edward W. Conrad, Michael Yeung. IEEE Proceedings, Vol. 89 (8), pp. 1194-1213 (2001).

Stochastic Non-relativistic Approach to Gravity as Originating from Vacuum Zero-Point Field van der Waals Forces
D. C. Cole, A. Rueda, and K. Danley. Phys. Rev. A 63, 054101 (2001). Please note that the epaps material in Ref. 11
can be obtained here.

Thermodynamics of Blackbody Radiation via Classical Physics for Arbitrarily Shaped Cavities with Perfectly Conducting Walls
D. C. Cole. Found. Phys. 30 (11), pp. 1849-1867 (2000).

Connections Between the Thermodynamics of Classical Electrodynamic Systems and Quantum Mechanical Systems for Quasielectrostatic Operations
D. C. Cole, Found. Phys. 29, pp. 1819-1847 (1999).

Cross-Term Conservation Relationships for Electromagnetic Energy, Linear Momentum, and Angular Momentum
D. C. Cole. Found. Phys. 29, pp. 1673-1693 (1999).

The Quantum Dice: An Introduction to Stochastic Electrodynamics
D. C. Cole and A. Rueda, Found. Phys. 26, pp. 1559-1562 (1996).

Vacuum Zero-Point Field Pressure Instability in Astrophysical Plasmas and the Formation of Cosmic Voids
A. Rueda, B. Haisch & D.C. Cole, Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 445, pp. 7-16 (1995).

Possible Thermodynamic Law Violations and Astrophysical Issues for Secular Acceleration of Electrodynamic Particles in the Vacuum
Daniel C. Cole, Physical Review E, Vol. 51 (3), pp. 1663-1674 (1995).

Extracting Energy and Heat from the Vacuum
Daniel C. Cole, Physical Review E, Vol. 48 (2), pp. 1562-1565 (1993).

Derivation and Simulation of Scalar Aerial Images for Higher Numerical Apertures
D. C. Cole, E. Barouch, U. Hollerbach, and S. A. Orszag, Jap. J. Appl. Phys. 31, pp. 4110-4119 (1992).

Extending Scalar Aerial Image Calculations to Higher Numerical Apertures
D. C. Cole, E. Barouch, U. Hollerbach, S. A. Orszag, J. Vac. Sci. Techol. B 10, pp. 3037-3041 (1992).

Reinvestigation of the Thermodynamics of Blackbody Radiation via Classical Physics
Daniel C. Cole, Physical Review A, Vol. 45 (12), pp. 8470-8489 (1992).

Connection of the Classical Electromagnetic Zero-Point Radiation Spectrum to Quantum Mechanics for Dipole Harmonic Oscillators
Daniel C. Cole, Physical Review A, Vol. 45 (12), pp. 8953-8956 (1992).

Entropy and other Thermodynamic Properties of Classical Electromagnetic Thermal Radiation
Daniel C. Cole, Physical Review A, Vol. 42 (12), pp. 7006-7024 (1990).

Derivation of the Classical Electromagnetic Zero-Point Radiation Spectrum via a Classical Thermodynamic Operation Involving van der Waals Forces
Daniel C. Cole, Physical Review A, Vol. 45 (4), pp. 1847-1862 (1990). In addition, 42 pages of material by D. Cole, containing two appendices of this article, are maintained by American Institute of Physics in their physics auxiliary publication service (PAPS), document no. PAPS PLRAA-42-1847-42.

The Use of Simulation in Semiconductor Technology Development
For color pictures of simulation, click here.
D.C. Cole, E.M. Buturla, S.S. Furkay, K. Varahramyan, J. Slinkman, J.A. Mandelman, D.P. Foty, O. Bula, A.W. Strong, J.W. Park, T.D. Linton Jr., J.B. Johnson, M.V. Fischettis, S.E. Laux, P.E. Cottrell, H.G. Lustig, F. Pileggi, and D. Katcoff
(invited) Solid-State Elec. 33, pp. 591-623 (1990).

Classical Electrodynamic Systems Interacting with Classical Electromagnetic Random Radiation
D.C. Cole, Found. Phys. 20, pp. 225-240 (1990).

Thermal Effects of Acceleration for a Spatially Extended Electromagnetic System in Classical Electromagnetic Zero-point Radiation: Transversely Positioned Classical Oscillators
Daniel C. Cole, Physical Review D, Vol. 35 (2), pp. 562-583 (1987).

Correlation Functions for Homogeneous, Isotropic Random Classical Electromagnetic Radiation and the Electromagnetic Fields of a Fluctuating Classical Electric Dipole
Daniel C. Cole, Physical Review D, Vol. 33 (10), pp. 2903-2915 (1986).

Properties of a Classical Charged Harmonic Oscillator Accelerated Through Classical Electromagnetic Zero-point Radiation
Daniel C. Cole, Physical Review D, Vol. 31 (8), pp. 1972-1981 (1985).

Book Chapters/Sections

D. C. Cole, "Entropy Concepts in Classical Electrodynamics," in book entitled, "Quantum Limits to the Second Law: First International Conference on Quantum Limits to the Second Law, San Diego, California 2002," edited by D. P. Sheehan, AIP 643, pp. 187-194 (2002). Articles contain contributions from researchers at this conference and published in a book form (ISBN 0-7354-0098-9).

D. C. Cole, "Connections between Thermodynamics, Statistical mechanics, Quantum mechanics, and Special Astrophysical Processes," in Gravitation and Cosmology: From the Hubble Radius to the Planck Scale (refereed compendium), edited by R. L. Amoroso, G. Hunter, M. Kafatos, and J.-P. Vigier (Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2002), pp. 111-124. Articles contain material from a symposium in honour of the 80th Birthday of Jean-Pierre Vigier (Aug. 21-25, 2000, U. C. Berkeley).

D. C. Cole, "Reviewing and Extending Some Recent Work on Stochastic Electrodynamics" (invited), in Essays on Formal Aspects of Electromagnetic Theory (refereed compendium), ed. by A. Lakhtakia, (World Scientific, Singapore, 1993), pp. 501-532.


#6,704,695, "Interactive optical proximity correction design method," O. Bula; D. C. Cole, E. W. Conrad, and W. C. Leipold, March 9, 2004. In 2005, this patent was selected by IBM Microelectronics as being in the top 10% of IBM Microelectronics's patents issued in 2004, based on actual potential use of the invention in products, processes, and services of IBM and others.

#6,667,136, "Method to control nested to isolated line printing," O. Bula; D. C. Cole, E. W. Conrad, and W. C. Leipold, December 23, 2003.

#6,458,493, "Method to control nested to isolated line printing," O. Bula, D. C. Cole, E. W. Conrad, W. C. Leipold, October 1, 2002.

#6,430,733, "Contextual Based Groundrule Compensation Method of Mask Data Set Generation," D. C. Cole and J. M. Cohn, August 6, 2002.

#6,429,469, "Optical Proximity Correction Structures Having Decoupling Capacitors," A. J. Archibald, O. Bula, J. M. Cohn, D. C. Cole, E. W. Conrad, W. C. Leipold, August 6, 2002. In 2003, this patent was selected by IBM Microelectronics as being in the top 10% of IBM Microelectronics's patents issued in 2002, based on actual potential use of the invention in products, processes, and services of IBM and others.

#6,425,112, "Auto correction of error checked simulated printed images," O. Bula, D. C. Cole, E. W. Conrad, W. C. Leipold, July 23, 2002.

#6,387,596, "Method of forming resist images by periodic pattern removal," D. C. Cole, E. W. Conrad, D. V. Horak, R. W. Mann, P. W. Pastel, J. H. Rankin, A. J. Watts, May 14, 2002.

#6,383,719, "Process for enhanced lithographic imaging," O. Bula, D. Cole, E. W. Conrad, S. E. Knight, R. K. Leidy, May 7, 2002.

#6,373,975, "Error checking of simulated printed images with process window effects included," O. Bula, D. C. Cole, E. W. Conrad, W. C. Leipold, April 16, 2002.

#6,268,908, "Micro adjustable illumination aperture," O. Bula, D. C. Cole, E. W. Conrad, D. V. Horak, J. H. Rankin, July 31, 2001.

#6,261,724, "Method of modifying a microchip layout data set to generate a predicted mask printed data set," O. Bula, D. C. Cole, E. W. Conrad, W. C. Leipold, D. J. Samuels, June 17, 2001.

# 6,258,490, "Transmission control mask utilized to reduce foreshortening effects," O. Bula, D. C. Cole, E. W. Conrad, W. C. Leipold, June 10, 2001.

#6,238,850, "Method of forming sharp corners in a photoresist layer," O. Bula, D. Cole, E. W. Conrad, W. C. Leipold, May 29, 2001.

#6,214,494, "Serif mask design methodology based on enhancing high spatial frequency contribution for improved printability," O. Bula, D. Cole, E. Conrad, N. Lu, April 10, 2001.

The patents listed above can be viewed at http://www.uspto.gov/

Refereed Conference Proceedings

A. G. Stern and D. C. Cole, "High quantum efficiency, back-illuminated, crystallographically etched, silicon-on-sapphire avalanche photodiode with very wide dynamic range, for manufacturable high resolution imaging arrays," presented by A. Stern at SPIE Electronic Imaging 2009, January 18-22, 2009, and published in Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 7249, p 72490R (12 pp.), 2009.

A. G. Stern and D. C. Cole, "Design of a back-illuminated, crystallographically etched, silicon-on-sapphire avalanche photodiode with monolithically integrated microlens, for dual-mode passive & active imaging arrays," presented by A. Stern at Asia Pacific Remote Sensing Conference, November 17-21 2008, and published in Proceedings of the SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 7153, p 71530Z (13 pp.), 2008.

E. W. Davis, H. E. Puthoff, V. L. Teofilo, B. Haisch, L. J. Nickisch, A. Rueda, D. C. Cole, "Review of Experimental Concepts for Studying the Quantum Vacuum Field," published in conference proceedings, Space Technology and Applications International Forum (STAIF) 2006. This article won the best paper award for the 3rd Symposium on New Frontiers & Future Flight Plenary Session at STAIF 2006. See link on award

D. C. Cole, "Simulation results related to stochastic electrodynamics," published in AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 810, No. 1, pp. 99-113. The international conference was entitled "Quantum Theory: Reconsideration of Foundations-3," and was held June 6-11, 2005, at Växjö University, Sweden. Proceedings edited by G. Adenier, A. Khrennikov, and T. Nieuwenhuizen.

So-Yeon Baek, A. C. Wei, D. C. Cole, G. Nellis, M. Yeung, A. Abdo, R. Engelstad, "Simulation of the Coupled Thermal/Optical Effects for Liquid Immersion Micro-/Nanolithography," will be published in the SPIE Proceedings of the Optical Microlithography XVII conference, 5377, held in Santa Clara, CA, Feb. 25, 2004, paper # 5377-37.

So-Yeon Baek, D. C. Cole, M. Rothschild, M. Switkes, M. Yeung, and E. Barouch, "Simulation Study of Process Latitude for Liquid Immersion Lithography," will be published in the SPIE Proceedings of the Optical Microlithography XVI conference, 5040, held in Santa Clara, CA, Feb. 27, 2003, paper # 5040-187.

D. C. Cole, "Entropy Concepts in Classical Electrodynamics," in proceedings of, "Quantum Limits to the Second Law: First International Conference on Quantum Limits to the Second Law, San Diego, California 2002," edited by D. P. Sheehan, AIP 643, pp. 187-194 (2002).

D. C. Cole, So-Yeon Baek, and Xima Zhang, "Evolution and Integration of Optimal IC Design: Performance and Manufacturing Issues," in Design and Process Integration for Microelectronic Manufacturing, ed. by A. Starikov, Proc. SPIE 4692B (2002).

Relating Work, Change in Internal Energy, and Heat Radiated for Dispersion Force Situations
D. C. Cole. Proc. of Space Technology and Applications International Forum - 2000 (STAIF 2000), AIP 504, ed. by M. S. El-Genk, pp. 960-967 (2000).

"Optimization Criteria for SRAM Design - Lithography Contribution,"
D. C. Cole, O. Bula, E. W. Conrad, D. S. Coops, W. C. Leipold, R. W. Mann, and J H. Oppold, in Optical Microlithography XII, ed. by Luc Van den hove, Proc. SPIE 3679, pp. 847-859 (1999).

"Model Considerations, Calibration Issues, and Metrology Methods for Resist-Bias Model,"
E. W. Conrad, D. C. Cole, D. P. Paul, and E. Barouch, in Metrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography XIII, ed. by B. Singh, Proc. SPIE 3677, pp. 940-955 (1999).

"Energy and Thermodynamic Considerations Involving Electromagnetic Zero-Point Radiation,"
D. C. Cole, Proc. of Space Technology and Applications International Forum - 1999 (STAIF 99), AIP 458, ed. by M. S. El-Genk, pp. 960-967 (1999).

"Calculations on Electromagnetic Zero-Point Contributions to Mass and Perspectives,"
D. C. Cole, Proceedings of NASA conference, "Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Program," Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 12-14, 1997, NASA/CP-1999-208694, pp. 72-82, January 1999. Part of this article was published in an article on the conference entitled, ``NASA Explores Space Travel Concepts," by C. A. Yost, in Electric Spacecraft 23, pp. 20-38, March 11, 1998.

E. Barouch, D. C. Cole, U. Hollerbach, S. A. Orszag, "Vector Aerial Image with Off-Axis Illumination," Proc. SPIE, Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. (USA), vol. 1927, pp. 686-708 (March 1993).

Derivation and Simulation of Scalar Aerial Images for Higher Numerical Apertures.
D. C. Cole. E. Barouch, U. Hollerbach, and S. A. Orszag. Proc. of MicroProcess '92, the 5th International MicroProcess Conference (1992).

D. C. Cole. E. Barouch, U. Hollerbach, and S. A. Orszag, "Calculation of Aerial Images for High Numerical Aperture Systems," Proc. of EIPB'92, The 36th International Symposium on Electron, Ion, and Photon Beams, C64 (1992).

S. S. Furkay, D. C. Cole, L. C. Harris, S. A. St.Onge, and W. -M. Au, "Process and Device Simulation of a BiCMOS Technology," Proc. of NASECODE VIII, Eighth International Conference on the Numerical Analysis of Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits, pp. 5-8 (1992).

"Using Multiple Focal Planes to Enhance Depth of Focus,"
C. A. Spence, D. C. Cole, B. B. Peck. Proc. SPIE, Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. (USA), vol. 1674, pp. 285-295 (March 1992).

"Geometry-Dependent Linewidth Bias: Simultaneous Printing of Contacts and Spaces,"
J. A. Bruce, R. K. Leidy, and D. C. Cole, in Proc. of INTERFACE'91, KTI Microlithography Seminar, pp. 205-218 (1991).

Accounting for Incomplete Ionization in Modeling Silicon Based Semiconductor Devices
D. C. Cole and J. B. Johnson. IEEE Proc. of the Workshop on Low Temperature Semiconductor Electronics, pp. 73-77 (1989).

Refereed Conference Presentations

D. C. Cole, So-Yeon Baek, and Xima Zhang, “Evolution and Integration of OptimalIC Design: Performance and Manufacturing Issues” (invited talk). Presented by D. Cole on 3/7/2002 at the SPIE 4692B conference in San Jose, CA. The conference is entitled Design and Process Integration for Microelectronic Manufacturing.

D. C. Cole, “Connections between Thermodynamics, Statistical mechanics, Quantum mechanics, and Special Astrophysical Processes” (invited talk). Presented at Vigier 2000 International Symposium, Aug. 21-25, 2000, Berkeley, CA. This talk was videotaped and is sold by the company Sound Photosynthesis. See Video Cassette V109.28-2000, which can be found by doing a search of "Vigier", then doing a find on "Cole" in the web page that comes up.

Relating Work, Change in Internal Energy, and Heat Radiated for Dispersion Force Situations
D. C. Cole. Presented at Space Technology and Applications International Forum (STAIF 2000), January 30-February 3, 2000, Albuquerque, NM.

Optimization Criteria for SRAM Design - Lithography Contribution
D. C. Cole, O. Bula, E. W. Conrad, D. S. Coops, W. C. Leipold, R. W. Mann, andJ H. Oppold. Presented by D. Cole on 3/17/99 at the SPIE 3679 conference in San Jose, CA. The conference is entitled Optical Microlithography XII.

E. W. Conrad, D. C. Cole, D. P. Paul, and E. Barouch, “Model Considerations, Calibration Issues, and Metrology Methods for Resist-Bias Model,'” presented by E. Conrad and D. Cole on 3/17/99 at the SPIE 3677 conference in San Jose, CA. The conference is entitled Metrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography XIII.

Energy and Thermodynamic Considerations Involving Electromagnetic Zero-Point Radiation
D. C. Cole. Presented at Space Technology and Applications International Forum (STAIF 99), January 31st-February 4th, 1999, Albuquerque, NM.

D. C. Cole, “Calculations on Electromagnetic Zero-Point Contributions to Mass and Perspectives” (invited talk). Presented at a conference hosted by NASA, entitled, “Breakthrough Propulsion Physics Program,” in Cleveland, Ohio, Aug.12-14, 1997.

E. Barouch, D. C. Cole, U. Hollerbach, S. A. Orszag, “Vector Aerial Image with Off-Axis Illumination.” Presented (by E. Barouch) at the SPIE symposium, Optical/Laser Lithography VI, March 3-5, 1993, San Jose, CA.

Derivation and Simulation of Scalar Aerial Images for Higher Numerical Apertures
D. C. Cole. E. Barouch, U. Hollerbach, and S. A. Orszag. Presented (by E. Barouch) at MicroProcess '92, the 5th International MicroProcess Conference, July, 1992, Kawasaki, Japan.

Extending Scalar Aerial Image Calculations to Higher Numerical Apertures
D. C. Cole. E. Barouch, U. Hollerbach, and S. A. Orszag. Presented at EIPB'92, The 36th International Symposium on Electron, Ion, and Photon Beams, May, 1992,Orlando, FL.

S. S. Furkay, D. C. Cole, L. C. Harris, S. A. St.Onge, and W. -M. Au, “Process and Device Simulation of a BiCMOS Technology” (invited). Presented (by S. S.Furkay) at NASECODE VIII, Eighth International Conference on the Numerical Analysis of Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits, May, 1992, Vienna, Austria.

Using Multiple Focal Planes to Enhance Depth of Focus
C. A. Spence, D. C. Cole, B. B. Peck. Presented (by C. Spence) at the SPIE symposium, Optical/Laser Microlithography V, March 11-13, 1992, San Jose, CA.

J. A. Bruce, R. K. Leidy, and D. C. Cole, “Geometry-Dependent Linewidth Bias: Simultaneous Printing of Contacts and Spaces.” Presented (by J. Bruce) at the KTI Microlithography Seminar, October, 1991, San Jose, CA.

D. C. Cole and J. B. Johnson, “Accounting for Incomplete Ionization in Modeling Silicon Based Semiconductor Devices.” Presented at the IEEE Workshop on Low Temperature Semiconductor Electronics, August, 1989, Burlington, VT.

Presentations at Unrefereed Conferences

D. C. Cole, Thermodynamic Issues Related to Casimir Forces from a Classical Physics Perspective
This invited talk was presented at a workshop entitled, "Casimir Forces: Recent Developments in Experiment and Theory," at Harvard, on Nov. 14-16, 2002. It can be accessed by clicking on "Cole" under the category of, "Online Talks," at this website.

D. C. Cole and Y. Zou, “Initial Simulation Investigation Probing the Nonlinear Behavior of the Classical Hydrogen Atom.” Presented at an a special international workshop on stochastic electrodynamics at Boston University onJune 4, 2001.

D. C. Cole and M. Chadurjian, "Valuing Patents and Understanding Trends in IP Law," TiE Atlantic Conference in Wakefield, MA, entitled, "Defy the Limits: Achieving Success in a Changing Environment," invited speakers, Nov. 11, 2001.

D. C. Cole, “Clarifying and Removing the Mystery on Extracting Energy from theVacuum” (invited talk). Presented at an American Physical Society Conference on Energy, Rochester, N.Y., Oct. 14, 1995.

D. C. Cole, “Connections Between the Thermodynamics of Classical Physical Systems and Quantum Statistical Mechanics” (invited talk). Presented at the International Workshop on the Zeropoint Electromagnetic Field, Cuernavaca, Mexico, March 29-April 2, 1993.

D. C. Cole, “The Thermodynamics of Casimir Forces between Conducting Parallel Plates” (invited talk). Presented at The IMA (Institute for Mathematics and its Applications) Summer Program in Semiconductors, University of Minnesota, August, 1991; also presented at Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY, October,1991.

D. C. Cole, “Energy Analysis via Stochastic Electrodynamics of Retarded van der Waals Forces between Electric Dipole Harmonic Oscillators.” Presented at the March 1987 Meeting of the American Physical Society, New York, NY.


1st video on intellectual property course at BU by D. Cole
(5 minute overview on course content)

2nd video on intellectual property course at BU by D. Cole
(5 minute video on motivation for learning IP for scientists and engineers)

Thermodynamic Issues Related to Casimir Forces from a Classical Physics Perspective
This is a video of a 1/2 hour talk given by D. Cole at a workshop entitled, "Casimir Forces: Recent Developments in Experiment and Theory," at Harvard, on Nov. 14-16, 2002. It can be accessed by clicking on "Cole" under the category of, "Online Talks," at this website.

D. C. Cole, “Connections between Thermodynamics, Statistical mechanics, Quantum mechanics, and Special Astrophysical Processes” (invited talk). Presented at Vigier 2000 International Symposium, Aug. 21-25, 2000, Berkeley, CA. This talk was videotaped and is sold by the company Sound Photosynthesis. See Video Cassette V109.28-2000, which can be found by doing a search of "Vigier", then doing a find on "Cole" in the web page that comes up.

Simulation and Analysis of Physical Processes for Aiding Technology Development
D. C. Cole. Talk presented on April 16, 2003, at Boston University.






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