The Shaw Center is not only a place of hospitality and fellowship, but a vessel of research that is alive and working.
Over the years, those involved with the Shaw Center have developed a variety of articles and research projects. Among them are the biannual newsletter, the Clergy Women Retention Study, Loving Radically, and Engaging the Bible: Critical Readings from Contemporary Women, a book published in the Fall of 2006 and edited by Dr. Hee An Choi, and Dr. Katheryn Pfisterer Darr.
The Clergy Women Retention Study and copies of the Newsletter, as well as more information on Engaging the Bible: Critical Readings from Contemporary Women are available for you to view online.
Other Publications:
Salaries for United Methodist Clergy in the U.S. Context, A study by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry
How much salary do United Methodist clergy receive? How are we doing as a church in terms of providing clergy salary as we strive to create a culture of equity for all? When we talk about clergy salaries in The United Methodist Church, should gender and race matter? These were the initial questions that the Salary Study Committee asked in the beginning of
this study in March 2008.
The recommendation was to conduct a study on UM clergy salaries to develop hard data on the financial status of racial-ethnic clergywomen in comparison with their male and female European-American and male racial-ethnic peers.
View the GBHEM website here and the full PDF report here (GBHEM_SalaryStudy).
Women’s Oral History Project
The Oral History Project documents the experiences of women who have been connected with the Boston University School of Theology and/or the United Methodist Church in the New England area. Ten oral histories, recorded on tape with transcriptions, are stored in the School of Theology library for public access. The project has held training events and will continue to provide resources and develop skills to unearth, preserve, and proclaim the histories of women in mission and ministry.