Advocacy and Support

Women in the World (Formerly Women and the Word)

Held each spring, this national preaching event offers women the opportunity to hear other women preach, as well as attend workshops on preaching and worship. Nationally recognized bishops, teachers, artists, and theologians serve as primary leadership. For more information on the Women in the World celebration, contact the Shaw Center.

Anna Howard Shaw Award

This award recognizes those women “who embody those values expressed in the life of Anna Howard Shaw: courage born of Christian faith, dedication to increased opportunities for women, devotion to social justice, persistence in difficult circumstances, service for the common good, and a vision of a better world.” This award is given biennially. Previous recipients have included C. Faith Richardson, Bishop Susan Murch Morrison, The Reverend Jeanne Audrey Powers, Margaret Suber Wiborg, and Yolanda Pupo-Ortiz.

Resource Center

The Shaw Center’s library devoted to women’s issues includes a wide selection of books, articles, and audiotapes that are available to interested persons. The Shaw library books are included in the Boston University Libraries database in order to make the library more accessible for users.

Student Activities

Under student leadership, the Shaw Center supports women’s discussion groups, fall and spring retreats, workshops, presentation/movie series, and worship services. The Center also provides a comfortable and practical gathering place for students with coffee, tea, a microwave oven, couches, and lively conversation.