Remove, Rename, or Replace: Monuments to Past “Heroes” in a Changing Society

  • Starts: 4:30 pm on Wednesday, February 6, 2019
  • Ends: 6:00 pm on Wednesday, February 6, 2019
Confederate statues. Yawkey Way. Faneuil Hall. All are memorials to “heroes” from times when many in society were not allowed a voice. These monuments matter because what we as a society display in public space demonstrates our values. As we struggle with our shared history, we are currently in a period of re-examination of what these monuments mean, the intent of the monument builders, and importantly, what these monuments represent today. This seminar will explore these ideas.


Raul Fernandez (COM’00, Wheelock’16), Associate Dean for Equity, Diversity & Inclusion, Boston University Wheelock College of Education & Human Development

Adrian Walker, Columnist, Boston Globe

Moderator: Candice Belanoff, Clinical Assistant Professor, Community Health Sciences, Boston University School of Public Health
