Faculty News

Professor Marc Gasser-Wingate Granted Tenure and Promoted to Associate Professor

The Department of Philosophy would like to congratulate Professor Marc Gasser-Wingate on his promotion to Associate Professor and on being granted tenure. This recognition of his hard work in the field as a philosopher, in the classroom as a teacher, and in the community as an outstanding member of our department is well-deserved. Congratulations, Professor!

New Faculty Hires in the BU Philosophy Department

The Philosophy Department would like to extend a warm welcome to two new Visiting Assistant Professors who will be joining us in Fall 2023! Kristian Sheeley, PhD, University of Kentucky Primary Interests: Ancient Philosophy, Ethics Secondary Interests: Existentialism, Health Care Ethics, History of Philosophy, Asian Philosophy Shaun Miller, PhD, Marquette University Primary Interests: Ancient Philosophy Secondary Interests: Medical […]

Professor Alisa Bokulich & the Φ-Geo Group Featured in The Brink

Professor Alisa Bokulich and her research group the Φ-Geo Group had a feature article published in the Brink entitled “Are We Really in a Sixth Mass Extinction?” The article discusses how Professor Bokulich came to study Philosophy of Science and what blind spots philosophers can help scientists find in their research: “ Scientists began ringing the […]

Visiting Professor Stephanie Sheintul Accepts Tenure-Track Position at The University of Adelaide

The Philosophy Department would like to extend its warmest congratulations to Visiting Professor Stephanie Sheintul, who recently accepted a position as Lecturer in the Philosophy Department at The University of Adelaide, Australia. The Lecturer position, which is equivalent to a tenure-track Assistant Professorship, is set to begin in July. Congratulations, Stephanie!

Professor Susanne Sreedhar Awarded Fellowship at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study

The Department would like to congratulate Professor Susanne Sreedhar for being awarded a fellowship at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study. She will be spending May and June 2023 in Amsterdam, working on a project entitled Political Theories of Involuntary Servitude within Europe (1600-1850). The project is summarized as follows: “Previous research has shown how republican […]

Professor Paul Katsafanas Announces Publication of New Book “Philosophy of Devotion”

The Department would like to wish warm congratulations to Professor Paul Katsafanas in announcing the publication of his new book, Philosophy of Devotion: the longing for invulnerable ideals. The book will be published by Oxford University Press on February 22 2023, and is available for pre-order now. Click here for more info on the book and for […]