Co-Presidents 2024-2025: Eleanor Oser & Eliška Wichterlová

The Co-Presidents can be reached at

The Graduate Student Association meets to discuss philosophical issues and matters of practical concern, with the president or co-presidents acting as liaison(s) between the graduate students and faculty. The Association meets twice per semester with the Department Chair and the Director of Graduate Studies to review policy, discuss developments in the department, and any issues of concern. Other activities include, but are not limited to, arranging informal social get-togethers and assisting new students transitioning to the city and the program.

Information about the GSO, the Graduate Student Organization for all

GRS Departments is available at

Past Co-Presidents:

2023-2024: Casey Grippo & Caroline Wall

2022-2023: Leticia Castillo Brache & Matt Brewer

2021-2022: Aja Watkins & Jack Harris