Meg Miroshnik's THE TALL GIRLS

  • Starts: 8:00 pm on Friday, May 8, 2015
Fifteen-year-old Jean arrives in the town of Poor Prairie to take care of her cousin Almeda. A handsome stranger, Haunt Johnny, arrives on the same train, inspiring the curiosity and excitement of the teenaged girls in town, not least off all because he comes bearing a brand new basketball. Determined to make it out of Poor Prairie, Almeda rounds up five girls, including Jean, to form a basketball team and enlists Haunt Johnny to be their Coach. At the same time, a committee of concerned townspeople debates the virtues and hazards of women’s sports. In her strong and lyrical voice, Miroshnik gives us a perceptive, funny, and deeply affecting play that explores questions of what sports represent in American culture, the cost of childhood, and the small but powerful ways that women connect, conflict, and support each other. May 3 - May 8, 2015. Free Admission! More Information: or 617.353.3390
College of Fine Arts
Studio 109

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