Boston Baroque

  • Starts: 7:30 pm on Friday, October 19, 2012
Boston Baroque opens the 2012-13 season with George Frideric Handel’s comic opera Partenope. The production features Boston Baroque’s period instrument orchestra conducted by Martin Pearlman; soloists Amanda Forsythe as Partenope, Queen of Naples, Owen Willetts as Arsace, Kirsten Sollek as Rosmira/Eurimene, David Trudgen as Armindo, Aaron Sheehan as Emilio and Andrew Garland as Ormonte; with stage direction by David Gately. Performances take place on October 19 and 20 at 7:30 p.m. at NEC’s Jordan Hall, with a pre-opera introduction at 6:30 p.m. The opera is semi-staged and sung in Italian with projected English supertitles.
NEC's Jordan Hall

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