BU’s Special Catalogs: Music, Spoken Word, Media
Music Collection at Mugar Library, 771 Comm. Ave, 2nd floor
- use BU Libraries Search, inquiries welcome (617) 353-3705
- physical and streaming formats of music, spoken word, video, scores and parts, books, periodicals, microforms
- listening facilities, staff-mediated transfer and editing
Music Curriculum Library at CFA, 855 Comm. Ave., 2nd floor
- inquiries welcome (617) 353-3731 or visit during hours of operation
- manages performance rentals; houses a core repertoire collection & parts, selected K-12 texts and methods
- listening facilities; Sibelius
African Studies Center of the Pardee School of Global Studies, 232 Bay State Road
- search their Teaching Africa Library for media and other material useful for teaching at all levels
- see also their teacher resources for US schools; use the main library search for BU’s African Studies Library
- open weekdays or contact specialist staff: ascinfo@bu.edu
Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center, 771 Comm. Ave.
- located on the 5th and 6th floors of Mugar Memorial Library; papers of individuals, many notable archival documents
- Learn more about the Gotlieb Center and conducting research
Geddes Language Center at CAS, 685 Comm. Ave.
- modern foreign language-learning, support includes on-site lab, small viewing rooms, studio, classroom
- chiefly (though not exclusively) supports CAS
- online Geddes catalog search is available, inquiries welcome (617) 353-2640
Krasker Film/Video Services, 771 Comm. Ave.
- located in upper basement of Mugar Memorial Libraryclass support: viewings, equipment, extensive guidance
- Learn more about Krasker Film / Video services
Organ Library at 745 Comm. Ave.
- *summer construction advisory* their site explains their Summer 2018 services and how to make contact
- managed by Boston Chapter, American Guild of Organists; located in Room 2B (basement level)
- always contact in advance of visit, open to researchers regardless affiliation