Department Host/Contact Update Form

The ISSO maintains an electronic database of department hosts and administrative contacts that sponsor international scholars and employees.This database is also open to BU or BMC faculty, staff or affiliates who are interested in receiving periodic newsletters from the ISSO regarding the sponsorship of foreign nationals at Boston University.

If you would like to be added to our database or would like to update your contact information, we would ask that you kindly submit a personal contact profile.

If you supervise international scholars or handle immigration processing for more than one BU-affiliated department, institute or center, please submit a separate personal contact profile for each affliation.

  • Personal Information

    BU Host/Supervisor: The professor, principal investigator, research/teaching supervisor responsible for a prospective international scholar’s affiliation with BU. The BU Host can also serve as a Department Contact.

    Department Contact: The administrative contact person responsible for submitting an immigration document request to the ISSO on behalf of a BU Host and host department.

    ISSO Scholar Communiqué only: Neither a BU Host nor Department Contact, but a BU or BMC faculty, staff, administrator or affiliate interested in receiving a periodic electronic newsletter and advisories from the ISSO related to sponsorship of international scholars
  • Contact Information

  • (Please don’t abbreviate)