Changes of Appointment or Activity

Sponsorship classifications for scholars allow them to continue to conduct their research, teaching or other activity in your department until they either complete those activities or until the end date indicated on their current immigration document.  If anything changes in the terms of a scholar’s appointment/affiliation, the ISSO should be notified in advance of the change so that we can evaluate whether or not the change is permitted under the terms of their current sponsorship status. Changes may require the ISSO to issue a new immigration document or make a request to USCIS to amend the information in a previously approved petition.

Changes in a BU appointment/activity include any combination of the following:

  • Promotion or other change in job title, rank or job classification
  • Substantial changes in job duties/responsibilities
  • Funding changes:
    • any decrease in salary/benefits
    • a substantial increase in salary/benefits
    • change to funding source (ie. non-BU funding to BU funding or change of outside funding source)
  • Change in or addition of location(s) of employment (includes flexible work arrangements that allow for work from home)
  • Change in total work hours or change in full-time/part-time employment status (full time equivalency)
  • Change in sponsoring department
  • Resignation or termination prior to the end of the initially requested sponsorship