Professor Sergio Fagherazzi Featured on Sweaty Penguin Climate News
Professor Sergio Fagherazzi was featured in PBS’s The Sweaty Penguin, discussing his work on climate change and salt marshes: “Salt marshes are found along the entire U.S. coastline and on every continent except for Antarctica. They absorb carbon, protect coastlines from erosion, filter pollutants, and provide habitats for many important fish and shellfish species. But they’re […]
Sergio Fagherazzi and Cédric Fichot join the newly funded NASA Delta-X team to study the future of the Mississippi delta
Professor Sergio Fagherazzi and Assistant Professor Cédric Fichot have joined the Delta-X investigation at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, to better understand the natural processes that maintain and build land in major river deltas threatened by rising seas. The project will improve models that predict loss of coastal land from sea level rise […]