Assistant Professor Cedric Fichot’s advisee Josh Harrington receives the NASA FINESST fellowship
Joshua Harrington, advisee of Assistant Professor Cedric Fichot recently received the NASA FINESST fellowship. Cedric Fichot will be the PI and Joshua Harrington the FI of “Quantifying the Fat of Dissolved Organic Carbons from Stable and Degrading Marshes in the Mississippi River Delta Using Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy and Export Modeling” Overview: Carbon export through coastal […]
Sergio Fagherazzi and Cédric Fichot join the newly funded NASA Delta-X team to study the future of the Mississippi delta
Professor Sergio Fagherazzi and Assistant Professor Cédric Fichot have joined the Delta-X investigation at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, to better understand the natural processes that maintain and build land in major river deltas threatened by rising seas. The project will improve models that predict loss of coastal land from sea level rise […]