Ranga Myneni publishes several articles during the summer of 2019
(1) “Investigating the applicability of Emergent Constraints” published in the journal “Earth System Dynamics” (doi:10.5194/esd-10-501-2019). The article discusses how a measurable variable from the recent historical past can be used to obtain a constrained estimate of change in an entity of interest at a potential future CO2 concentration from multi-model projections. This research is a […]
Colin Averill wins ESA Biogeosciences publications award
Colin Averill, a faculty member at ETH Zurich, has received the Gene E. Likens Award from the Biogeosciences Section of the Ecological Society of America. The prize recognizes work conducted by an early career scientist; Averill conducted his research as a postdoc with E&E Associate Professor Mike Dietze and Biology Assistant Professor Jennifer Bhatnagar. The […]
Chi Chen and Taejin Park publish on photosynthetic activity in Global Change Biology
PhD students Chi Chen and Taejin Park recently published “Changes in the timing of peak photosynthetic activity in northern ecosystems” in Global Change Biology. The authors use the “laws of minimum” as a basis and introduce a new framework where the timing (day of year) of peak photosynthetic activity (DOYPmax) acts as a proxy for […]
Christoph Nolte publishes on land protection and forest development
Assistant Professor Christoph Nolte has published “Voluntary, permanent land protection reduces forest loss and development in a rural‐urban landscape” in the journal Conservation Letters. “Voluntary, permanent land protection is a key conservation process in many countries,” write Nolte and his colleagues, who “find that land acquisitions and conservation restrictions implemented by state, local, and nongovernmental […]
Dan Li publishes on heat islands and evaporation capability
Assistant Professor Dan Li has published “Urban heat island: Aerodynamics or imperviousness?” in Science Advances. Professor Li and his colleagues note that more than half of the world’s population now live in cities, which are known to be heat islands. While daytime urban heat islands (UHIs) are traditionally thought to be the consequence of less […]
Emily Chua writes about sailing the high seas with robots
PhD candidate Emily Chua has just published “Sailing the Seven Seas with Argo” in a blog for oceanbites. “Argo is a fleet of nearly 4,000 robotic floats which prowl the upper (<1 kilometer depth) ocean, collecting information on the physical state of the ocean,” Chua notes, adding that much of the world’s oceans remain unsampled […]
Christoph Nolte publishes on ties between conservation and economic growth
Assistant Professor Christoph Nolte has contributed to “Assessing the local economic impacts of land protection,” just published in the journal Conservation Biology. The study explores the link between increases in land protection and employment. “Employment gains were modest but significant across the region, and the effect was amplified in more rural areas,” says Kate Sims, […]
Sarah Foster and Wally Fulweiler in Eos spotlight
A new article by PhD candidate Sarah Foster and Associate Professor Wally Fulweiler has been featured in the Research Spotlight of Eos, AGU’s weekly magazine. In “Estuarine Sediments Exhibit Dynamic and Variable Biogeochemical Responses to Hypoxia,” Foster and Fulweiler investigate how estuary sediments interact with oxygen levels in water to affect nutrient levels and greenhouse […]
Robert Kaufmann publishes on oil rig activity in Nature Energy
Professor Robert Kaufmann has just published “The effect of oil and gas price and price volatility on rig activity in tight formations and OPEC strategy” in Nature Energy. In the article, Professor Kaufmann and his colleague Esmail Ansari show that “the [break-even price] for rigs used to drill oil wells is $20 (~$50 nominal), the […]
Ranga Myneni coauthors article in Nature Communications on emergent constraints
Professor Ranga Myneni has coauthored “Earth system models underestimate carbon fixation by plants in the high latitudes” with colleagues from the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, where he spent part of his sabbatical period in 2018. The article, published in Nature Communications, reports on using greening sensitivity inferred from the past three decades […]