Professor Robert Kaufmann is quoted in BBC Mundo
Professor Robert Kaufmann is quoted in BBC Mundo article,”Coronavirus y cambio climático: por qué la pandemia no es realmente tan buena para el medio ambiente.” In the article, Journalist Carlos Serrano explores COVID-19’s effects on the environment, and Professor Kaufmann offers his opinion as to whether or not the petroleum industry will recover. Read the […]
Professor Robert Kaufmann and 2018 BA/MA graduate Caitlin Connelly publish two papers in Nature Energy
Dr. Robert Kaufmann, whose research focuses on global climate change, world oil markets, and land-use changes, published two papers in Nature Energy with 2018 BA/MA candidate Caitlin Connelly. Their first paper focuses on non-market effects, such as strategic decisions by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, energy legislation and speculative bubbles, that move crude […]
Robert Kaufmann publishes on oil rig activity in Nature Energy
Professor Robert Kaufmann has just published “The effect of oil and gas price and price volatility on rig activity in tight formations and OPEC strategy” in Nature Energy. In the article, Professor Kaufmann and his colleague Esmail Ansari show that “the [break-even price] for rigs used to drill oil wells is $20 (~$50 nominal), the […]