Christopher Ricks is the William M. and Sara B. Warren Professor of the Humanities at Boston University, having formerly been professor of English at Bristol and at Cambridge, and the Professor of Poetry at Oxford (2004-2009). He regularly teaches in the Core Curriculum.

Editions by him include The Poems of Tennyson (1987), The New Oxford Book of Victorian Verse (1987), T. S. Eliot’s Inventions of the March Hare: Poems 1909-1917 (1996), The Oxford Book of English Verse (1999), Selected Poems of James Henry (2002), Samuel Menashe’s New and Selected Poems (2005), Tennyson: Selected Poems (2007). Samuel Beckett’s The Expelled / The Calmative / The End / First Love (2009), Henry James’s What Maisie Knew (2010), Joining Music with Reason: 34 Poets, British and American, Oxford 2004-2009 (2010), Bob Dylan: The Lyrics (ed. with Lisa Nemrow and Julie Nemrow, 2014), and The Poems of T.S. Eliot (ed. with Jim McCue, 2015).

Ricks is the author of Milton’s Grand Style (1963), Keats and Embarrassment (1974), The Force of Poetry (1984), T. S. Eliot and Prejudice (1988), Tennyson (1989), Beckett’s Dying Words (1993), Essays in Appreciation (1996), Allusion to the Poets (2002), Reviewery (2002), Decisions and Revisions in T. S. Eliot (2003), Dylan’s Visions of Sin (2004), True Friendship: Geoffrey Hill, Anthony Hecht, and Robert Lowell under the Sign of Eliot and Pound (2010), and Along Heroic Lines (2021).