Research Topic: International Communication 7 Items Does world system theory rein in social media? Identifying factors contributing… This article examined how social media content has shaped the representation of countries for publics around the world. Based on… International Communication Public Diplomacy Social Media April 17, 2024 News About China in Changing Media Systems: A Comparative Study of… Publication: Mass Communication Research Co-authors: Francis Lee, Chinese University of Hong Kong; Ping Shaw, National Sun Yat-sen University International Communication Political Communication October 30, 2023 When the locals are Othered Full title: When the locals are Othered: hybridized representations of Latin American cultures and identities through nation branding Abstract: This study… Branding International Communication September 1, 2023 Power Imbalances and Contested Notions of the Nation Full title: Power Imbalances and Contested Notions of the Nation: Latin American Nation Branding through the Lens of the Cultural-Economic… Branding International Communication April 25, 2023 Assessing China’s News Coverage and Soft Power in Latin America Abstract: This study assesses the impact of China’s mediated communication strategies implemented in Latin America from 2013 to 2021. We… International Communication Public Diplomacy January 27, 2023 Post-Truth Public Diplomacy: A Detrimental Trend of Cross-National Communication and How… Abstract: This article divulges a new form of public diplomacy with post-truth content overseen by host countries to influence the… International Communication Misinformation Public Diplomacy January 2, 2023 Nation Branding as a Modern Expression of Colonialism in Latin America:… Since the 2000s, several Latin American governments have launched nation branding campaigns to internationally promote the exports, foreign direct investment,… Branding International Communication May 1, 2022