Graduate Chapters

University of Michigan Chapter of GradSWE

University of Michigan has an established a graduate student community of the Society of Women Engineers (GradSWE) chapter. Their success has inspired both FIU and BU to strive to develop their own chapters. Learn more about the UM chapter.

Boston University Chapter of GradSWE

BU SWE chapter leader Jenny Sun & faculty advisor Michelle Sander

Past CELL-MET trainee, Jenny Sun, co-founded GradSWE at BU under the guidance of Michelle Sander (ECE Faculty). Learn more about the BU Chapter.

Florida International University Chapter of GradSWE

At FIU, a graduate SWE chapter president and advisor were identified, and started the process for becoming a formally recognized student organization within the university. The SWE Chapter President is Sana Nasim, a BME PhD student, and the faculty advisor is CELL-MET faculty, Trina Fletcher. The group held their first meeting on February 28, 2019.

FIU SWE Chapter President Sana Nasim and Faculty Advisor Trina Fletcher