Peter J. Caruso II, Esq.

Peter J. Caruso II, Esq. is a Boston, Massachusetts attorney at Prince Lobel Tye LLP, where his practice specializes in the representation of artists, art galleries, museums and art institutions.

Attorney Caruso has been intimately involved with the protection of the rights of artists and various art institutions.  His work has included the representation of numerous artists in the successful release of close to 1,000 pieces of art from the bankruptcy estate of the now defunct Boston Corporate Art, the successful return of artwork to an artist from Massport after Massport disassembled the work and packaged the artwork away for storage without the artist’s consent, successful copyright prosecution for a visual artist whose work appeared without consent in a commercial advertisement, work with an auction house and museum to assist in the preservation of artwork and assist in the cataloguing of said work for storage and sale.

Attorney Caruso was a primary author of Massachusetts’ revised art consignment statute, M.G.L. c. 104A, which has provided strict guidelines for the consignment of artwork to art galleries and institutions.  Attorney Caruso has lectured extensively for the Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts of Massachusetts, Massachusetts colleges and universities and museums and art institutions throughout New England and has published many articles in connection with art law.  He was the recipient of the Robert B. Fraser award from the Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts of Massachusetts.