Add Your Art Event Announcement

Complete the form below to upload an art event related announcement. Your posting will be reviewed and published as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please email

To upload an art job related announcement, please click this link.

  • Announcement Details

  • Specify a "Learn More" link for the post.
  • You may use limited HTML for formatting and linking. h1, h2..., strong, em, a
  • Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
    Upload a large banner image for your post. (Images can be artworks of your organization, artistic photographs, performances, exhibitions, an image of your building, architectonical details, your logo and anything else that looks amazing.) Image must be at least 2000px wide by 1200px tall.

    Please note that if you have no image or your image is unsuitable (e.g. too small, pixellated or without copyright clearance) a substitute image will be allocated to your post.

  • Credit your image: author, title, year of production and photographer. For example: John Doe, Woman in Blue, 2010. Photograph: Jane Doe.

    By submitting this form you confirm that you are the author or you are authorized by your institution to post this announcement and have obtained permission to use any included third-party content for the purpose of promoting this announcement.