
Students matriculating in the Arts Administration degree program are required to have some direct work experience in arts organizations prior to degree conferral. A minimum of six of the ten required courses must be completed before the student undertakes the actual fieldwork, although the planning phase may begin earlier. The program maintains a formal relationship with a core group of potential host organizations that have been selected for their willingness to work with interns, although it is possible to intern with other organizations as well. The student is expected to complete a total of 150 hours of work with the host agency, generally within a single semester. Students with four or more years of full-time, paid, professional arts organization work experience may waive the internship requirement with the program director’s written consent. To inquire about the waiver procedure please contact the program.

If the internship is waived, students must take a tenth class. Students are encouraged to use their electives to broaden their understanding of arts administration. Elective credit may be taken from other departments within the University, after approval from the student’s adviser. Courses such as Curatorship, or Museums and Historical Agencies, offered by the Department of Art History (Museum Studies) in the graduate division of the College of Arts & Sciences, may be of particular interest.

Internship Organizations Have Included: