If there is one thing the COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly taught us not to take for granted, it is the importance of human interaction and relationship building. Creating meaningful connections, especially in the professional sphere, can drive unexpected growth opportunities and a renewed sense of purpose and personal enrichment. And, when paired up with the chance to do so for your community, you can feel a sense of belonging that will positively impact your mental and physical health.

BU Connects, a networking platform built for students, alumni, faculty, and staff to connect and create mutually beneficial professional relationships, is the perfect tool to become a more active and supportive member of the BU community.

Created with the concept of flexibility in mind, Terriers can decide how involved they’d like to be. When you activate your profile on BU Connects, you’ll be asked which of the following ways you are willing to help.

Review someone’s resume or portfolio

Level of commitment: 1/5
Resumes are often the “make-it-or-break-it” factor when looking for a job, especially when applying for an internship or entry-level position. If you’re a pro at tightly written and professionally formatted resumes, this might be a great thing opportunity for you. It’s also a great way to give back without committing too much time or resources.

Have an one-time career conversation

Level of commitment: 2/5
Raise your hand if you ever thought about changing your major while you were at BU or ever wondered whether the path you were following was the right one for you. Now, imagine what you would say to yourself now that you’ve had all this industry experience under your belt. This is an excellent opportunity for those Terriers who are willing to have a few one-off conversations about their industry and/or career path.

Have a graduate school discussion

Level of commitment: 2/5
The process of choosing a graduate program, regardless of whether it is a master’s or a doctorate, is challenging. This can be especially true for first-generation students who often cannot count on their family’s assistance during the process. This is a valuable chance for Terriers to help eliminate wealth and racial inequality gaps in higher education and actively support fellow students/alumni in navigating a complicated system. If you’ve attended a graduate program and have expertise to share regarding the process, think about offering to help on this front.

Speak at panel discussions or at an events

Level of commitment: 2.5/5
If you don’t feel comfortable connecting with people on a 1-on-1 basis and prefer interacting with a big group of interested and like-minded alumni, panel discussions and events might be the best fit for you. Acting as a guest speaker is a great way to pass on your knowledge and lifetime experiences in a more structured and academic environment.

Hold an informational interview

Level of commitments: 3.5/5
One of the most important, yet time-consuming things to do is networking with fellow Terriers in the hopes of landing informational interviews at dream companies. BU Connects facilitates and speeds up this process by connecting experienced Terriers with students and alumni interested in knowing more about company values, career trajectories, and more. A great opportunity for those who work in companies that are always hiring and are interested in growing their team.

Open doors at your workplace

Level of commitments: 4/5
Think back to your first job. How did you land that first position? Maybe a professor introduced you to a colleague, perhaps a friend of a friend, or a LinkedIn post from a connection you had made. Regardless, connections truly go a long way. This time around, YOU can be the person responsible for introducing a young graduate to the right recruiter.

Become a job-shadow host

Level of commitment: 4.5/5
Similar to informational interviews, workplace shadowing is an excellent opportunity to share precious career advice. Hosting a workplace shadowing requires a more significant time and resource commitment, but it will have a tangible impact on mentees looking for the right company to become part of.

Become a Mentor

Level of commitment: 5/5
Taking a student or a fellow alum under your wing is a big commitment, but not one without payback. Mentoring a Terrier will allow you to give back to the BU community while actively and substantially jump-starting their career. One case study found that employees who mentored others were five times more likely to get promoted, and mentees were promoted six times as much as those not in the program. Also, one 2016 study in the American Sociological Review found that mentoring can increased minority representation among managers in the workplace anywhere from nine to 24 percent.

Interested in getting involved? Log onto your BU Connects account, click your profile picture, then click settings. Head to the Mentoring tab and click settings. From there you will be able to choose in which ways you are offering to help.