A message from Sargent

Dean, Sargent
635 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02215
September 2021
While we at Sargent College look eagerly toward regaining the full vibrancy of our campus community this fall, we also feel a renewed sense of responsibility and urgency.
As rehabilitation and health sciences professionals, we see the immensity of the challenge. We see a whole new population in need of care: those struggling with COVID and with “long COVID.” We see others who experienced setbacks in care for other conditions during the pandemic. We see stark health inequities, here and around the world.
We accept the challenge of delivering excellent care informed by the newest science and preparing the next generation of practitioners and researchers. Do you accept the challenge, too?
If so, I ask for your support, which we will use above all to continue to support our students through the Sargent Cares Student Life Fund. Many students remain in tenuous positions, meaning that any unanticipated adversity—a family illness, a broken computer—can knock them off track. For these students, even a very modest amount of extra financial support can sustain their progress, preventing them from dropping out or suffering profound setbacks. I am so very proud that, despite many obstacles created by COVID-19 and thanks in large part to the
generosity of our alumni and friends, we were able to intervene at these crucial moments for many vulnerable Sargent students who might otherwise have been delayed or even diverted entirely from their academic objectives.
This year, more than ever, we celebrate our students’ resilience and your generosity.
This fall, we’re doing much more than just returning to normal. In fact, we’ve been fully engaged in strategic planning for the next decade, during which time we expect to re-emphasize our commitment to health equity and more fully integrate data sciences into our work, among other important goals. It’s an exciting vision, and I look forward to sharing more about it soon.
An important early step is seizing opportunities for new and interdisciplinary research and teaching. This means using your gifts to provide incentivizing grants to our faculty and PhD students, enabling them to try new things and explore new collaborations. We are especially committed to building on our existing strengths in interprofessional practice, education, and collaboration and in implementation and translation. We know, as you do, that the patient experience is vastly more effective when providers collaborate and share knowledge, and when they use the most cutting-edge tools and insights.
For these efforts and more, the financial support of our alumni and friends is critical. Equally important are your stories from the field, your tips about jobs and internships, and your mentorship and guidance. Please join us at upcoming events in person and online. Our Sargent community and I look forward—as always, but especially now—to reconnecting and to keeping the Sargent Spirit thriving.
With thanks,
Chris Moore
Dean and Professor
College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College
PS: You can give any time, all year round, at bu.edu/give2sargent. Your support really matters, and we can’t wait to share news of all your giving makes possible.