BS in Computer Science

The Bachelor of Science (BS) in Computer Science prepares students for rewarding, cutting-edge careers in software engineering, system administration and management, and research and development in industrial and governmental laboratories. Graduates also use their undergraduate computer science background (and analytical skills) to prepare for careers in medicine, law, education, physical and life sciences, social sciences, and the humanities.

Learning Outcomes

  • Advanced knowledge of programming languages (C++ or Java), database management or computer networks, operating systems, and computer architecture, as well as web languages and software engineering.
  • Proficiency in programming and web development.
  • Competence sufficient to work on small and large programming projects.
  • An understanding and ability to apply the values and principles of professional ethics.
  • The ability to apply the principles of information security and assurance in a variety of contexts.
  • Demonstrated skills in effective communication, teamwork, and leadership.

Admissions Information

For current admissions information, please visit the Metropolitan College website.

Degree Requirements

Candidates for the bachelor’s degree at Metropolitan College are required to complete a minimum of 32 courses (128 units), including Hub requirements, major requirements, related courses, and electives.

Hub Requirements

All BU undergraduate students, including transfer students, will pursue coursework in the BU Hub, the University’s general education program that is integrated into the entire undergraduate experience. BU Hub requirements can be satisfied in a number of ways, including coursework in and beyond the major as well as through cocurricular activities. Students majoring in Computer Science will ordinarily, through coursework in the major, satisfy BU Hub requirements in Quantitative Reasoning II, Critical Thinking, and Creativity.

Major and Related Courses

A total of 15 courses (60 units), completed with a grade of C or higher, is required.

Required Courses

  • MET CS 231 Programming with C++ and
    MET CS 341 Data Structures with C++
  • MET CS 232 Programming with Java and
    MET CS 342 Data Structures with Java


  • MET CS 248 Discrete Mathematics
  • MET CS 422 Advanced Programming Concepts
  • MET CS 472 Computer Architecture
  • MET CS 535 Computer Networks or MET CS 579 Database Management
  • MET CS 575 Operating Systems

Students with prior programming experience must also complete:

Five additional computer science courses (20 units) at the 301 to 599 level, selected with the advice and approval of an advisor.

Students without prior programming experience must also complete:

  • MET CS 201 Introduction to Programming

And four additional computer science courses (16 units) at the 301 to 599 level, selected with the advice and approval of an advisor.

Related Courses

Three courses (12 units):

  • MET MA 123 Calculus I
  • MET MA 124 Calculus II

Plus one mathematics course selected from the following:

  • CAS MA 226 Differential Equations
  • CAS MA 242 Linear Algebra
  • MET MA 213 Basic Statistics and Probability
  • MET MA 214 Applied Statistics
  • MET MA 225 Multivariate Calculus


Electives are chosen with the advice of an academic counselor. The number of electives varies depending on transfer units.