
The listing of a course description here does not guarantee a course’s being offered in a particular term. Please refer to the published schedule of classes on the MyBU Student Portal for confirmation a class is actually being taught and for specific course meeting dates and times.

  • COM CM 180: Understanding Media
    During the semester, Understanding Media course will trace the development, survey the literature, and explore the impact of media--whether traditional, interactive, social or mobile--examining conceptual, theoretical, and practical aspects of today's global media environment. The course will also review the factors that have shaped the nature of contemporary media, including their content, uses, functions, and audiences. Understanding Media provides students with a broad understanding of the social and psychological impact of mediated communication and empowers students to think originally and critically about how media technologies evolve, function, advance, and shape society, industry, and professional practices. It makes dynamic connections between theoretical frameworks, everyday life, and industry practices in a manner that can engage undergraduate students in Advertising, Media Science, and Public Relations and can inform them of the significance of using strategic approaches to constructing, disseminating, and evaluating media initiatives and media messages. 4 cr. Either sem.
  • COM CM 211: Professional Presentation
    Students will learn the essentials of effective presentation, from preparation, audience analysis, and content development to critical thinking when presenting. Students will incorporate theories and skills of effective communication in a variety of contexts (e.g., common business and social settings). Effective Fall 2018, this course fulfills a single unit in the following BU Hub area: Oral and/or Signed Communication. 4 cr. Either sem.
    • Oral and/or Signed Communication
  • COM CM 215: Principles and Practices of Public Relations
    An introduction to the field of public relations: its theoretical origins, scope, and principles. Discussion focuses on researching problems, setting objectives, identifying audiences, designing messages, choosing communication channels, and evaluating results for all types of organizations. Ethical decision making, on-line communication, and career opportunities are also analyzed case studies in the field. The format is a combination of informal lecture and small-group discussion, case analysis, and guest lecture. Open the freshmen. 4 cr. Either sem.
  • COM CM 217: Introduction to Advertising
    Explores the history, nature, function, and social and economic aspects of advertising: ethical responsibilities, psychological appeals, marketing, media research, product analysis, creative strategies, and agency operation. Students prepare comprehensive advertising plans, including marketing strategy and speculative advertising campaigns. Open to freshmen. 4 cr. Either sem.
  • COM CM 280: Persuasion Theory
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: (COMCM180) - This course examines the role that communication--and especially mediated communication--play in the social influence process. This course is organized around theoretical persuasive approaches to the study of attitudinal and behavioral change. It uses these theories as a basis for teaching about persuasive strategies that can be implemented to lead to changes in others' attitudes and behaviors--whether in the areas of media campaigns, marketing communication, advertising, or public relations. The course includes discussion of the strategies that "professional persuaders" use when peddling their ideas, products, services, and philosophies. Pre-req: COM CM180. 4 cr. Either sem.
  • COM CM 313: Corporate Communication
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: CM215 - Explores the trends and issues affecting corporations, crisis management, public affairs communication, consumer affairs, employee relations, environmental problems, and issues of multinationals. Uses case studies.
  • COM CM 321: Communication Research Methods
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: COM CM180 - CM321 Communication Research Methods is an introduction to the social scientific method of inquiry and the fundamental concepts and processes of social scientific methods that are used in media science, advertising, and public relations. Assorted research methods are covered, including both quantitative and qualitative. Also included are literature review, research design, research execution, quantitative and qualitative data analysis, and reporting of findings.
  • COM CM 331: Writing for Communication
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: CO201 AND First Year Writing Seminar (e.g., WR 100 or WR 120). - Intensive exposure to some of the basic writing formats in the communications profession: news releases, letters, features, and profiles. Lead writing, editing, and techniques of interviewing. Extensive writing and rewriting. Develops basic writing skills for different audiences. Effective Fall 2018, this course fulfills a single unit in the following BU Hub area: Writing- Intensive Course.
    • Writing-Intensive Course
  • COM CM 405: Media Strategy
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: (COMCM217 OR COMCM317) - This course examines media planning, buying, and sales as performed by advertising agencies, clients and the media. Students will discuss the essential principles, measurements, procedures and problems encountered in determining appropriate media in which to place specific kinds of advertising messages designed to reach closely defined target audiences. Students will learn to use research sources that provide data on media audiences and product usage. The advantages and disadvantages of various media will be discussed from an advertising perspective. The course will examine contemporary trends in communications media and their effects on advertisers.
  • COM CM 412: Advertising Strategy & Consumer Insights
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: COMCM217 - Explores how to arrive at consumer insights that lead to better advertising and promotion. The course focuses on the set of skills necessary to create breakthrough advertising, including qualitative research, observation, interviewing skills, mapping, and presentation tools. Students learn to write effective, creative briefs.
  • COM CM 414: Advertising Strategy and Consumer Insight 2
    Undergraduate Prerequisite: COM CM412. - This course offers advanced exploration in the art and science of advertising strategy, highlighting the skills and knowledge required for success in this rapidly changing segment of the industry. This class will extend the material learned in CM 412 through a deep dive into the tools and techniques used by top advertising agencies, consultancies, brands and digital platforms to uncover the insights that drive outstanding creative briefs and create breakthrough advertising strategies that yield business results. Note: A version of this course already exists at the graduate level.
  • COM CM 417: Fundamentals of Creative Development
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: (COMCM217 OR COMCM317) - Focus is on the strategic creative process in advertising including concept development, copywriting, visualization, and design. Assignments require conceiving solutions to client marketing challenges across a range of media. Teaches foundations for development of effective advertising: problem definition, strategic development, and conceptual idea generation through tangible executions.
  • COM CM 419: Advertising Management
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: COM CM217 - Administration of a complete advertising program. Case-study method used to explore the marketing mix, budgeting, medial strategy, planning, coordinating advertising with promotion, working with client or agency, and the social responsibility of advertisers.
  • COM CM 423: Portfolio Development 1
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: (COMCM217 & COMCM417) - A course for aspiring art directors/designers and copywriters interested in the creative side of the advertising industry. Students work in teams of two or three or individually to develop creative ideas, campaigns, and an entry-level portfolio of work (print, video, digital, mobile, experiential). A workshop-like environment, mirroring an advertising agency, is augmented with lectures and case studies.
  • COM CM 424: Portfolio Development II
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: (COMCM217 & COMCM417 & COMCM423) - Expectations are that students in this class want a creative career. Or at least want to develop a professional portfolio. This course is designed to build your creative muscle through agency-level assignments as well as to help establish a broad-creative-spectrum web-based portfolio that will help to give you a leg-up in the hiring process when you're ready to enter the workforce.
  • COM CM 441: Media Strategies and Management
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: (COMCM215 & COMCM331) - Students study planning, implementing, managing, and measuring earned media and influencer strategies, as well as integrating earned media into an overall Paid, Earned, Shared, and Owned (PESO) campaign. Involves lectures, in-class discussions, video cases, mock scenarios, and individual take-home cases.
  • COM CM 442: Business Fundamentals for Public Relations
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: COM CM215 - This course provides a foundation in business skills for public relations. Through readings and discussions, in-class exercises, guest speakers and a final team project, students will gain a strong foundation in the major concepts and issues at the intersection of business and public relations. The course will sharpen students' business acumen through increasing their business and financial literacy on topics such as public company reporting, reading financial statements, and the basics of S.E.C. filings.
  • COM CM 443: Digital Media and PR
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: COM CM215 - Explores the effects of new media on the fundamental theories, models, and practices of public relations. Studies how websites, blogs, citizen journalism, social media, direct-to-consumer communication, podcasting, viral marketing, and other technology-enabled changes are affecting interpersonal, small group, and mass media relationships. Also covers and uses the interactive tools that are re-defining the practice of public relations. The course combines lecture, discussion, guest speakers, case study, and research to help students uncover and appreciate the power and potential of interactive media.
  • COM CM 471: Communication Internship
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: (COMCM331) AND Junior + good academic standing, AND for Advertising: COMCM217; Pu blic Relations: COMCM215; Media Science: COMCM280 - Students are placed in advertising and public relations agencies, communication departments of firms, sales departments of firms, sales departments of media, and sales promotion agencies. Minimum of 15 hours per week during school semesters, or full time during the summer. Instructor and sponsor oversee student work. A comprehensive final report completes coursework. 2 or 4 cr.
  • COM CM 474: Directed Study
    Undergraduate Prerequisites: consent of instructor and advisor. - Individual or group project on specific problems in communication. 2 or 4 cr.