BA in Philosophy & Political Science
In the Philosophy & Political Science major, students are introduced to rigorous analysis of their ways of thinking and acting. The mental rigor and investigative habits developed through their philosophical education are focused on exploring the concerns and issues that animate public life. By cultivating the habits of a philosophical mind, students are more prepared to grapple with the major questions and public issues of our time.
Learning Outcomes
Students completing the program are expected to have:
- Basic understanding of the fundamentals of both disciplines, including knowledge of the history of philosophy and of political science relevant to political philosophy and political theory.
- Mastery of basic concepts in moral and political philosophy including justice, absolutism, republicanism, state, citizen, contract, authority, equality, and disadvantage.
- Basic understanding of the history and contemporary practice of political theory from Plato to contemporary political theorists.
- Basic understanding of political science as practiced within an area of the discipline such as American politics, public policy, comparative politics, international relations, or political theory.
- Skills of critical thinking, analytical thinking, and written and oral communication, as expected for majors in the two disciplines.
All BU undergraduate students, including both entering first-year and transfer students, will pursue coursework in the BU Hub, the University’s general education program that is integrated into the entire undergraduate experience. BU Hub requirements can be satisfied in a number of ways, including coursework in and beyond the major as well as through cocurricular activities. Students majoring in Philosophy & Political Science will ordinarily, through coursework in the major, satisfy BU Hub requirements in areas such as Philosophical, Aesthetic, and Historical Interpretation; Scientific and Social Inquiry; Quantitative Reasoning; Diversity, Civic Engagement, and Global Citizenship; Communication; and the Intellectual Toolkit. Remaining BU Hub requirements may be satisfied by selecting from a wide range of available courses outside the major or, in some cases, cocurricular experiences.
At least six courses in philosophy and six in political science, with a grade of C or higher, are required (all required courses are 4 units unless otherwise indicated).
In philosophy (PH) the following is required:
- CAS PH 300 History of Ancient Philosophy
- CAS PH 310 History of Modern Philosophy
- CAS PH 350 History of Ethics
- Any one of CAS PH 253, 254, 256, 418, 453, 454, 455, 458, 459
- One CAS PH course at the 200 level or above
- One other CAS philosophy course
In political science (PO) the following is required:
- One course at the 200 level or above
- Three courses in political theory at the 300 or 500 level
- Two other courses in political science
Note that no more than one 100-level political science course can count toward the major. Also, it is recommended that the first course in political science be a 100- or 200-level course in one of the following subfields: American politics, public policy, comparative politics, international relations, or political theory.
One of the above courses must be either a senior seminar in political science (500 level) or a 400-level topics course in philosophy.