Minor in English
The minor in English (EN) allows students to explore a wide range of literature, theory, and interdisciplinary themes while strengthening their critical thinking, writing, and research methods.
The department’s minor program consists of six courses in English language and literature:
- CAS EN 220 Seminar in Literature (4 units)
- One course with a focus on pre-1800 literature (4 units). This can include CAS EN 324, 325, 363, 364, 372, 521, 527, or courses specified as equivalent in any year.
- Four elective 4-unit courses. At least three of these should be numbered CAS EN 300 or higher. One of these four elective courses can be numbered CAS EN 121–201, 203–215, or 221, provided it is taken before or concurrently with CAS EN 220.
Note: For English minors, CAS EN 221 is not a prerequisite for CAS EN 322.
Courses must be completed with a grade of C or higher for units. A student desiring a minor program in English should consult the Undergraduate Coordinator in English to determine which faculty member will serve as their advisor.