Minor in Sustainable Energy
Energy is now central to one of the preeminent challenges facing humanity: a sustainable human existence on the planet. The minor in Sustainable Energy allows students pursuing any undergraduate major at Boston University to complete a coherent suite of courses that exposes them to the interdisciplinary nature of energy studies. The curriculum includes the essentials of energy from the business, economics, policy, and engineering perspectives, as taught by faculty experts in those areas.
The minor consists of seven courses (26 units), all of which must be completed with a grade of C or higher. Students minoring in Sustainable Energy, through coursework, will ordinarily satisfy BU Hub requirements in Historical Consciousness, Scientific Inquiry, and Research & Information Literacy. The seven courses comprise four required principal courses, one required practicum, one required related course, and one elective course.
With the exception of QST SM 132 and CAS EE 395 and 396, all required courses are 4 unit hours.
Principal Courses (4)
Four courses are required:
- CAS EE 150 Sustainable Energy: Technology, Resources, Society, and Environment
- ENG EK 225 Introduction to Energy Conversion and Environmental Engineering
- QST SM 131 Business, Society, and Ethics
- QST SM 132 Measuring Financial Value (2 units)
Practicum (1)
- QST SI 430 Cleantech Venture Consulting Program
Required Related Course (1)
One course in quantitative environmental modeling, chosen from: CAS EE 302, 365, 375; QST QM 450; QST QM 323.
Electives (1)
One course selected from: CAS EE 395 and 396 (Earth House Practicum 1 & 2); CAS EE 250, 304, 460, 519, 521, 555, 599; ENG EC/ME/SE 543; ENG EC/MS 546, 573; ENG EK 335, 408, 546; ENG ME 430; QST FE 433; QST OM 451; QST SI 453, 480.