Deadline for Evans Days Abstract Submissions

  • Starts: 11:55 pm on Friday, August 30, 2019
Please submit your abstracts online using the link below between July 15 - August 30. Abstracts are limited to 1470 characters, not including spaces. The abstract, authors, title, body and images count toward the character limit. Each image counts as 500 characters. Image size should be no larger than 2" high x 4" wide for publication purposes. Authorship on multiple abstracts is permitted, but may present only one poster. All Department of Medicine faculty, fellows, housestaff, post-docs and graduate students may submit abstracts. ONLY Trainees will be eligible for competitive awards. • Eligible Trainees are required to list name of mentor. • Eligible Trainees are required to include their cell phone number, as the winners will need to be contacted immediately All abstracts must be displayed and manned at the Poster Session on October 3rd