Children's Education

  • Starts: 11:50 am on Sunday, September 22, 2019
  • Ends: 12:30 pm on Sunday, September 22, 2019
The Marsh Chapel Children's Ministry Team offers religious education programming every Sunday during the academic year. Children of all ages are invited to participate in a brief discussion exploring a biblical text and how it relates to their relationships with God, others, and themselves. These discussions are followed by a time of art, crafting, or games to encourage children to develop ways of putting their values into practice. Once a month, our regularly scheduled lesson is replaced by a story-time event which involves the reading of a selection from our Marsh Chapel Children's Peace and Justice Library. For more information on our children's ministry program or the Peace and Justice Library, please contact our Ministry Assistant for Children's Religious Education, Mahalia Damm, at
Thurman Room, located on the lower level of Marsh Chapel (735 Commonwealth Ave.)

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