Panel Discussion: By Any Means Necessary: Boston Artist-Run Spaces Through the Decades

  • Starts: 5:00 pm on Wednesday, October 24, 2018
  • Ends: 8:00 pm on Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Panel Discussion By Any Means Necessary: Boston Artist-Run Spaces Through the Decades Thursday, October 24, 6:00pm Stone Gallery Boston has long been a vibrant center for artistic experimentation, due in no small part to the artist-led spaces and organizations that have come and gone over the decades. This panel brings together organizers of alternative art spaces founded in different decades that worked outside of the city’s major cultural institutions. Participants include: Marilyn Arsem, Founder, Mobius Performance Group and Artist Member, Mobius, Inc. (1975-present) Mike Carroll, Co-Founder, 11th Hour Gallery (1979-1981) Timothy Bailey, Co-Founder, Oni Gallery (1997-2005) Meg Rotzel, Co-founder and Director, Berwick Research Institute (2001-2012) Moderated by Lynne Cooney and Leah Triplett
Stone Gallery 855 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, MA 02215

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