Professor Kamenetska Awarded Prestigious 3 Year Air Force Young Investigator Research Program Grant

We are excited to announce that the Boston University Chemistry Department’s newest faculty member, Professor Maria Kamenetska, was recently awarded an Air Force Young Investigator Research Program Grant (AFOSR-YIP) for her novel work on robust DNA conductance and force signatures for detecting protein binding to DNA with base-pair resolution. With the creation of the BU […]

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Dr. Malika Jeffries-EL named a 2018 American Chemical Society (ACS) Fellow

We are proud to announce that Professor Malika Jeffries-EL has been named one of the 2018 ACS Fellows. The purpose of the ACS Fellows Program is to recognize and honor members of the American Chemical Society for their outstanding achievements in and contributions to the science and the profession and for their equally exemplary service to the […]

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Melissa Marquez, 2017 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Recipient

Melissa Marquez, a second-year graduate student in Professor Deborah Perlstein’s group, has recently received a 2017 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. She earned a Bachelor of Science in biochemistry with a minor in mathematics from Mount Saint Mary’s University and as an undergraduate conducted research in Dr. Eric Stemp’s lab focusing on DNA-protein cross-linking resulting from […]


BU Chemistry Day 2012

BU Chemistry hosted more than 100 students from the Boston Community Leadership Academy (BCLA) and English High School on May 4, 2012 for the fourth annual Chemistry Day. The morning long program began with a demonstration session given by BU Chemistry undergraduates and coordinated by Postdoctoral Faculty Fellow (PFF)  Dr. Seann Mulcahy. The demonstration explored […]

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BUWIC Participates in 37-Country IYC Event

On January 18, 2011, Boston University Women in Chemistry (BUWIC) joined women chemists in Canada as part of the international event that connected scientists in 37 countries in cyber-space. The event, “Women Sharing a Chemical Moment in Time”, ushered in the 2011 International Year of Chemistry. Using Skype, BUWIC scientists linked to fellow chemists in […]

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Another Successful Chemistry Day!

On April 30, high school students from Boston Community Leadership Academy (BCLA) visited the BU Chemistry Department for our second annual Chemistry Day. The forty-five BCLA students learned about acids and bases, gas laws, and chemical reactions at a jaw-dropping demonstration show. They also explored rates of reactions and electrochemistry in two hands-on laboratories run […]

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