Wheelock Educational Policy Center
How Can Teacher Preparation Stay Relevant?
Traditional teacher preparation programs housed in institutions of higher education are finding themselves having to adapt to the new reality that fewer people are studying to become teachers. As a result, these programs are building new partnerships, changing their curriculum, and adopting new recruitment methods to keep themselves relevant. For this Conversations with the Dean […]
Shaking Up The System
When voters in Multnomah County, Oregon, approved a measure in 2020 directing the government to provide a free preschool education to every three-and four-year-old in Greater Portland, officials had their work cut out for them. If the county’s Preschool for All program failed to deliver, local children—many from low-income backgrounds whose families rely on its […]
BU Wheelock Scholars Earn Postdoctoral Fellowships
Two members of the BU Wheelock community were recently honored with postdoctoral fellowships from National Academy of Education. Davena Jackson, an assistant professor of urban education with a focus on English education, language and literacy, was named an NAEd/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellow and will use her award to advance her work promoting educational equity. Postdoctoral fellow […]
Three BU Wheelock Faculty Promoted to Full Professor
Three BU Wheelock faculty members were recently promoted to full professor. Stephanie Curenton, Jennifer Greif Green, and Marcus Winters represent the Educational Leadership & Policy Studies, Applied Human Development, and Special Education programs at BU Wheelock. “We recognize Drs. Curenton, Green, and Winters for their outstanding contributions to the college, university, and their fields,” says […]
BU Wheelock’s Chard and Goodman among Top Educational Policy Influencers
BU Wheelock Dean David Chard and Joshua Goodman, an associate professor of education and economics, were recently included among the top 200 university-based scholars in the United States whose work has influenced educational policy and practice. Rick Hess Straight Up (RHSU), an Education Week blog, releases the Edu-Scholar Public Influence rankings every January. Hess, the […]
Using Policy Research to Achieve Educational Equity
Before getting his PhD, William Delgado worked as an economic consultant to the Inter-American Bank, the Colombian Health Department, and other organizations. Today, he’s a research assistant professor at BU Wheelock and an affiliated faculty member with the Wheelock Educational Policy Center who uses data-driven strategies and tools from economics and policy analysis to find […]
Goodman Appointed to White House Council of Economic Advisors
Starting in August 2022, Joshua Goodman, an associate professor of education and economics at Boston University Wheelock College of Education & Human Development, will serve for one year as a senior economist on President Biden’s Council of Economic Advisers (CEA). Goodman will take a leave of absence from his duties at BU Wheelock during this […]
2022 BU Wheelock Forum Examines Teacher Workforce and Equity in Education
Every day, teachers make decisions that shape their jobs, classrooms, and students’ experiences. Although they seem like individual choices, these decisions are inevitably impacted by a broader context of district, state, and national policies that govern the educator workforce. In today’s challenging environment, it is critical that we examine the persistent, systemic inequities that influence […]
The Teacher Workforce and the Impact of COVID-19
As it started to become clear that the COVID-19 pandemic would have an impact across multiple schools years, concerns regarding what some called a “mass exodus” of teachers began to rise. Despite these fears, a recent report by Olivia Chi and Andrew Bacher-Hicks that explores the impact of COVID-19 on the teacher workforce of Massachusetts […]
Improving Policies That Support Teachers
Olivia Chi is an assistant professor of educational leadership & policy studies at BU Wheelock. Her research uses quantitative methods to study the economics of education, with a focus on teacher labor markets, measures of teacher quality, and policies that reduce educational inequality. Chi is affiliated faculty with the Wheelock Educational Policy Center.