Centers, Institutes & Labs
Boston University Wheelock College of Education & Human Development is affiliated with several centers, laboratories, and institutes that the scholarly work of our faculty, staff, and students and provide valuable research opportunities and educational resources.
Early Childhood & Youth
Center on the Ecology of Early Development (CEED)
A research center that empowers families and community members caring for Black children to advocate for the rights of their children.
CERES Institute for Children & Youth
Conducts applied research and evaluations in order to drive positive educational and life outcomes for children and youth.
Counseling Psychology Training Center
Trains BU Wheelock graduate students to provide culturally responsive and community-focused mental health services to Boston youth and families.
The Documentation Studio
A resource for educators in preK through higher education to collaborate, share knowledge, and deepen and extend teaching and learning.
Institute for Early Childhood Well-Being
Pioneers new approaches for promoting holistic, nurturing ecosystems integrated across disciplinary boundaries to maximize the well-being and resilience of young children and families.
Social Adjustment & Bullying Prevention Laboratory
Promotes healthy social adjustment, psychological well-being, and academic success among youth through research-based school partnerships.
Social Learning Laboratory
Researches children’s use of social and cognitive information when learning about the world.
Deaf Studies
Deaf Center
Supports Deaf and signing researchers, educators, creators, and technologists in promoting sign languages and Deaf cultures and building a world in which the human right to accessible language is realized for all Deaf children.
Language Acquisition & Visual Attention Lab
Studies the relationship between language and visual attention in deaf and hearing individuals.
Lex Lab
Investigates how early language experience affects vocabulary acquisition and processing in American Sign Language.
Policy & Research
AI & Education Initiative
Researches on the impact of AI-driven innovations on equitable learning, education, and human development while providing education-inspired research results that influence foundational AI.
Center for Character & Social Responsibility (CCSR)
Supports the professional development of individuals and institutions seeking to expand their awareness, knowledge, and skills about character development and social responsibility. For more information about CCSR, contact Hardin Coleman.
Center for Future Readiness
Generates and translates career and workforce development research into practice and policy.
Performance Recovery & Optimization (PRO) Lab
Conducts world-class research in sport, exercise, and performance psychology.
Wheelock Educational Policy Center (WEPC)
Conducts and disseminates rigorous, policy-relevant research in partnership with local, state, and federal policymakers and stakeholders to improve educational opportunities and holistic outcomes for traditionally marginalized students.
Teaching & Learning
Center for Educating Critically
A center for anti-oppression teaching and learning that designs and delivers customized supports that help schools meet their equity, diversity, and inclusion goals.
Center for STEM Professional Learning at Scale
Provides high-quality, equitable, and inclusive STEM professional learning at scale, so that all educators have skills and knowledge to create more just and equitable STEM education for all students.
Provides access to state-of-the-art biotechnology laboratory facilities and curriculum serving students and teachers in grades 7–12. It is a partnership between BU Wheelock and the Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine.
Earl Center for Learning & Innovation
A collaborative space for social dreaming and radical hope where youth and adults, learners and teachers, researchers and designers join together in expansive inquiry to develop educational experiences animated by commitments to creativity, dignity, justice, and mutual flourishing.
Institute for Athletic Coach Education
Supports present and future youth sport coaches to help them better understand their role and fulfill their responsibilities as leaders and educators
National Center on Improving Literacy (NCIL)
Increases access to, and use of, evidence-based approaches to screen, identify, and teach students with literacy-related disabilities, including dyslexia.
Wheelock Institute for the Science of Education (WISE)
Forges partnerships with communities to craft customizable solutions that transform education, learning, and positive human development to enhance the well-being of children, families, and communities.