Ashley Moore
The Machines Are Coming
lgorithm-informed machines learn what we like to buy and look at on the internet, feeding us more of that. Smart “assistants” greet us on our favorite websites to answer questions and point us in the right direction. Robots assemble almost everything we own, from our cars to our televisions to our clothing. Artificial intelligence (AI) […]
Queering Foreign Language Education
When students are studying a new language, they don’t often learn how to express gender identity or sexual orientation in that language. And the lessons they receive are often based on the experiences of straight and cisgender people who have never had to articulate what it means to be queer or trans. Ashley Moore, an […]
BU Wheelock Welcomes New Faculty for Fall 2022
This fall, BU Wheelock welcomed 11 new faculty members who bring a mix of scholarly interests, including play therapy, the experiences of LGBTQ language learners, young people’s relationship to their ethnic and cultural background, and psychological interventions for perfectionistic athletes. Through their work, they question inequitable structures of power, support through teaching and learning, promote […]